shelbys view

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Omg, so there's this really cute guy that just moved in, and since my parents are divorced and he lives with his mom here I could try to have my dad plan something with his mom so we could hangout omg!

me; "Hey dad, so our new neighbor, she's pretty cute , right?😉"

dad; "I mean she is sweetie, why do you ask?"

me; "...because you should invite her over for dinner and maybe her son could come as well;)"

dad; "okay since I'm such a nice person I will. now go to sleep it's getting late."

*next day, they come for dinner*

dad: "Hi I'm Doug , thank you for coming over (:"

his mom ;"Thank you for having us , I'm Jenny, and this is jonas (:"

dad; oh hi jonas, nice to meet you. This is Shelby!"

jonas; hi Shelby."

me; "hi!"

dad; how about you guys go upstairs and hangout for a while until dinners ready?"

me; okayyy!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2016 ⏰

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