Zoe - the last member alive

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Chapter 17

The snow storm had been going for days.

"Man, I'm hungry!" Hige said.

"Yeah, me too!" Toboe replied.

"Can you guys shut up!" Tsune shouted.

"Once, I didn't eat for a month." Kiba said.

"What?! A month?!" Hige shouted.

"I was without food for a month and a half." Zoe said.

"What?! A month and a half?!" Toboe shouted.

"I cant hunt." Zoe said silently.

"You cant hunt?" Kiba asked.

"No." Zoe answered. "My entire pack got killed by The Pack Of The Moon the day I got six years old!"

"What?! Your entire pack?!" Toboe shouted.

"Yeah. I'm actually the princess of The Pack." Zoe replied.

"Princess of The Pack? Last time I checked, The Pack didn't exist!" Tsume shouted.

"No. It doesn't exist. Not anymore. I'm the last member alive." Zoe replied.

"Yeah. And you want me to believe that?" Tsume growled.

"It's true!" Zoe shouted. "I've even seen the one who killed both my brothers straight into his eyes!"

"Yeah! Sure!" Tsume said with an ironical voice.

"Oh, shut up. We're all hungry and irritable." Kiba said.

"I'm not hungry." Zoe said. "I'm pretty much used to being without any food for days. It happened often back there in the city. Oh, Tsume, I've been living in that city, all by my own, for the last three years!"

Suddenly, Hige started sniffing.

"What's that smell?" he asked. Suddenly, he got up and ran straight out of the cave.

"Hige! No! Come back!" Kiba shouted after him.

"Let him go!" Tsume said.

"Hige's right!" Toboe said. Then, he ran after Hige.

"Let them go!" Tsume said when Kiba got up.

"No." Kiba answered.

"Kiba's right, Tsume." Zoe said.

"OK. Let's go out to the storm." Tsume said. He sounded angry. As usual.

Zoe - the last member aliveWhere stories live. Discover now