Chapter 2

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3rd person POV:

"Ok boys," hollers the coach, capturing the attention of the previously chattering group, "Today, we have a new manager. So I expect you to all treat her well."

"Hi, I'm (L/N) (F/N), pleasure to meet you," unlike earlier in the day, the girl manages to not fumble over her words, after all, this is volleyball club. The home of one of the few things she loves. She ducks in a bow, thankfully averting her eyes from the group of slightly over excited boys. But why wouldn't they be excited they just got a new manager and she's cute as heck. Even the quieter ones of the bunch interests are peaked, one more than the others. She lifts her head, remembering the conversation she'd had earlier in the day,
"Also I will be observing you today, but tomorrow I'm allowed to implement training where and as I see fit." She adds, smiling. Surprisingly, her happy voice and smile are backed with a underlying tone of menace.

About half way into practice, what has been happening for the last half hour or so happens again. (Y/N)'s eyes drift back over to the lean setter who's interest seems to be everywhere else besides the ball he's supposed to be setting for his teammate. She mentally snaps herself out of it, drawing her eyes back to her clipboard with her notes on. The team is working well together and they have a lot of skill but there's always room for improvement in (Y/N)'s opinion. Much to her dismay, the moment she lifts her attention off the clipboard, her vision is blocked by a tall captain with a wide smirk,
"Jesus! You should warn people before you do that!" She somehow finds it easy to talk to the captain despite his daunting height and extrovert personality, he's too brotherly for (Y/N) to be scared of talking to him.
"I saw you sneaking some glances at Kenma," his smirk some how grows as he speaks and he adds a wink to the end of his sentence.
"I don't know what you're talking about!" (Y/N) exclaims, hitting the boy with the bed-head on the arm before turning away, a blush blossoming on her cheeks.
"Whatever you say," he replies, holding his hands up in mock defeat,
"But," he continues, leaning close to
(Y/N)'s ear as he whispers in a low voice so it's only her that would possible hear , "I think he has a crush on you, too."
And with that, the boy head back to the court and starts practicing.


"What was that about?" Kenma inquires after practice, his attention only three quarters on the game in his hands.
"What was what about?" Kuroo responds, attempting to spin a volleyball on his right pointer finger.
"You and (Y/N)?" explains the pudding haired boy.
"I knew it!" Kuroo shouts, throwing the ball up and catching it again before turning to smirk at Kenma who continued walking down the road.
"What did you know, Kuro-san?" asks Kenma, growing uninterested but still wanting an answer to his questions.
(Y/N)!" this causes Kenma to stop abruptly for a second before carrying on towards his home, his face getting infinitely closer to his console.
"I don't have a crush on (Y/N)," Kenma replies, the conversation went a way he didn't imagine it going, and with Kuroo that tended to be a bad thing. So he tried to put a stop to it, "I don't even know her."
"How are you so blind? Have you never heard of love at first sight? You know, when I was your age..." Kuroo continued ranting most of the way home, occasionally getting distracted by a random noise, never noticing the light pink dusting of a blush coating Kenma's cheek small cheeks.

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