The bell on the door chimed signifying our arrival to Steve, the man behind the counter. Steve was the most Australian man I've ever met and was generally well liked around town. Colella's was his grandfather's store so he's been working here his whole life.

"That's all for you two?" Steve questioned when we set down a lemon and strawberry pop.  

"Yeah that's it, thanks." I answered as I pulled out a bill from my back pocket.

"A little birdy told me you're moving to America, is that true?" Steve handed me back the pops with a slight sadness in his expression. I felt bad for some reason.

"Ya I'm leaving tomorrow actually, it's for university." I answered scratching the back of my head. It still didn't feel real.

"Oh mate we'll miss ya, but take care of yourself, only good things ahead I'm sure." He smiled warmly at us as we left the store.

"Thanks Steve, I will." The fact that I was moving was slowly starting to hit me.

"What a nice guy." Cole said as we started up the truck again. It stalled twice but finally roared after he hit the wheel.

"A little intense sometimes, but gotta love him." I answered, but my mind was elsewhere. After ten minutes of comfortable silence we made it to stop number two.

We parked the truck by the side of the road and hopped out. Even the passing of time and the darkness that surrounded us couldn't disguise the familiar route. I led the way into the woods and Cole followed, with both ice pops in hand. After reading Bridge to Terabithia in year four, we thought we were the shit because we had a secret hide away.

After walking for a few minutes guided by the light on our phones, we made it to the wooden foot bridge.

Cole broke the silence, "I like how it looks exactly the same, but it's weird I haven't been here since I don't know, maybe end of year 8?"

"Oh my God I remember why we stopped coming." I started to explain. Pieces of the past were coming up to the surface again. We were standing side by side looking down at the small stream that was rushing underneath the bridge.

I continued, "I had a pathetic crush on Mallory Thompson, but she was obsessed with you because you were a jock." I laughed remembering the drama.

"Why do you remember that?" Cole was in disbelief. I couldn't see him, but I would be willing to bet money he was doing his weird silent laugh. He flopped to the ground and let his legs hang over the bridge.

"How could I forget?" I sat beside him. "The last formal before secondary school. It was a big deal. I missed the dance. So when when you guys were taking pictures, I ran here and felt sorry for myself. The next Monday back at school I forbid you from ever coming here again because you "broke bro code". But then I didn't end up coming here alone because that would be boring. I hate both of us." 

Middle school angst is so ridiculous when you say it out loud.

"Why were we so stupid?" Cole asked as he tossed a small stone into the water. 

"I have no idea." I answered honestly.

We sat and talked for an hour, but then decided we better get going since we still had one more stop on the list.

My eyes had adjusted to the darkness, so I spent a moment taking it all in before following Cole back up the path. I looked at the thick settling of trees and how they created a canopy that concealed the sky. Seeing people's initials carved into the railing of the bridge was proof that we weren't the first kids to find this place. This is something I didn't notice when I was younger, but it didn't make the foot bridge any less special. It almost made me feel better about moving. So many people have passed through here. Maybe they'll come back and visit. Maybe they told their kids about this place. I felt a calming energy from the trees. It felt good to be out here.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2016 ⏰

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