Chapter 1- The Return

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Heylo every one! Hope you enjoy the very first chapter of "Taken"
Picture is Jasmine Smith played by Lily Collins! ^^^
-Eli's POV-
"Eli get up it's your day to patrol the boarder!" My best friend and alpha Damien yells from the other side of my door.

"Okay okay I'm up!" I roll off the bed and land on the floor with a groan. I stand up and make my way to the shower then get dressed and do all the other things we all do in the morning and head outside to the boarder of our pack, the Blood Moon pack. While I'm patrolling I start to think about my best friend, not Damien, but Jasmine. I miss her so f***ing much it hurts, she's my best friend and I feel terrible that she didn't make it out of there with me. Instead she's still there probably still getting beaten, and I can't do a damn thing about it. I'm a terrible friend and even if she ever did come back, she probably forgot about me and if she does remember me, she'll hate me.

I stop my reminiscing when I smell something in the air, a old familiar smell, it was right in the tip of my tounge but I just couldn't remember who smelled like that. I followed the scent anyways just incase they were a threat to the pack. I jog over to where the scent is strongest and I see a gray wolf drinking from the creek, the creek Jasmine and I were kidnapped from by those b*****d vampires.

"Turn around and don't think about running" I say in my beta voice, the wolf turns around and it looks exactly like Jasmine's wolf, but could it be? Is it really her? "Shift!" I say, she doesn't shift but gives me a look, I understand and take my shirt off and give it to her, she puts it in her mouth and goes behind one of the trees to shift. When she walks out from behind the tree I see what she looks like in her human from and when I see her I gasp and I feel tears build up in the back of my eyes...

It's Jasmine!

"Jasmine? Is it really you?" I whisper, but with our werewolf hearing I knew she could hear me.

"Hey ellie," after she says that I know it's her, that was what she called me when we were little. I run over to her and engulf her into a gigantic hug, lifting her off the ground since her 5'3" height is much shorter then my 6'5" height "I thought you forgot about me" she whispers barely audible.

"I could never forget about my best friend," I say setting her down and smiling. "I missed you so f***ing much jazzy." I continue, jazzy was my nickname for her when we were little.

"I missed you too ellie," she said smiling just as big as I was. "So how are you? Are you finally beta!?"

"Yeah I am, and Damien is alpha, he's doing a really good job and our pack is very strong thanks to him. The bad part is he hasn't found his mate yet and he's getting kind of anxious and he's getting close to giving up on her." When I said that I saw something flicker in her eyes but it was gone as soon as it came so I couldn't decipher what it was.

"Well what about you? Have you found your mate yet?" She says wiggling her eyebrows. I blush at the mention of my mate, "awww is beta Eli blushing? Come on tell me who it is."

"Alright alright... it's Ryder, the third in command" I whisper.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! My best friend found his mate! I'm so happy for you ellie!!!" She yells out excitedly.

"Wait, your okay with my mate being a guy?" I ask confused, which earns me a slap to the back of the head. "Ow! What was that for!?!"

"Why would you think that? You're my best friend, I'll love you no matter what. Plus I have nothing against gay people." I let out a breath of relief, "Let's go back to the pack house shall we? I wanna see everybody, I wonder if anybody even remembers me. How are my parents by the way?" I was dreading that question. Jasmine never really had the best home life, her parents fought when ever they were home together, most of the time they forgot they even had a daughter, so Jasmine practically lived with me and my parents. I guess I would've had to answer sooner or later.

"Jazzy... they passed away, it was in a rogue attack last year, I'm sorry." I said solemnly

"Oh... it's not your fault ellie, thats just how it was meant to happen, at least their in a better place now, right?

"Of course, we buried them in the local cemetery, how about after we get you all settled in we will visit them yeah? They might not have acted like parents, but they still are your parents,"

"Okay, after everything settles in because I'm pretty sure not everyone is gonna be as welcoming as you were,"

"Well not everyone is your best friend are they? Come on my patrol shift ended 20 minutes ago, Ryder is probably worried,"

"Lead the way ellie!" I chuckle and start walking towards the pack house with Jasmine trailing behind me.

I finally have my best friend back.


And there you have it! The very first chapter of Taken. How was it? Please comment and vote and tell me what you think.

What do you think will happen when everyonefinds out Jasmine's back?

How will Damien react? Will he even remember her?

I guess you'll just have to wait and find out!


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