cheaper 2

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Destiny ~so me and danijah and ayanna are getting ready to go to the mall to go get hope some clothes crab pacifier blanket a and car seat diapers a baby changing mirror and baby dresser and toys so I got into the shower for 20 minutes and danijah and ayanna with in the guests room to get ready when I got out the shower I went to put a light blue shirt with pink pants with a colorful scarf and some Cream shoes and with down stairs to watch love and hip-hop Atlanta tell danijah and ayanna get ready

Danijah ~so I was about to go to the mall with Destiny 2 get hope some clothes and diapers and pacifiers and blankets cribs so I went to the guest room to take a 20 shower and put on a light purple with white pants black baby boll shoes and black and white scarf and went down stairs to join destiny at looking at love and hip-hop Atlanta where is this bitche Ayanna come on

Ayanna~ I'm coming it take time for this look and I got out and put on a orange scarf with
and white shirt with a skull on it and faded blue pants brown shoes with holes in it and went down stairs

Destiny~ thank God what took u so long u was up there for like 35 minutes it do take that long to get dress and take a shower

Danijah ~ I won't to diver

Destiny ~ okay so we got in the car and danijah got in the diver side and she started to driver and I was so scared her speed was 55 and the speed limit was 45 I was like slow down

Ayanna ~ask I was driving destiny said slow down i said I got it and destiny said no u don't because the speed limit is 45 and your at 55 okay I well slow down so we made it to the mall alive and we saw tyga with hope she so cute

Sorry it short phone going dead

All About Me Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora