"Oh, we're very sorry for your loss, Sheriff. Must be very tough losing a loved family member in such a way," Sam offered. He had shook off the disgusting sight and mustered all the courage he could to not throw up.

"Sorry, Sheriff, you said that her heart and brain was missing? I mean.. that's a little strange, isn't it?" Dean asked. The Sheriff nodded again, desperately trying to hold back tears.

"Yeah.. that's why her killer was so sadistic. I bet it some sort of sick sacrifice," he choked up.

Sam and Dean looked at each. Dean crouched down to one half of the body while Sam calmly ushered the now crying Sheriff away from the true crime scene.  Dean held back from regurgatating his burger. He pulled out his EMF detector, you know, to keep his options open. He turned it on and went up to the body and parts. It did not beep or make any sound. Sam was calming down the Sheriff. Dean had re-investigated the body over and over again. Nothing. No clues or evidence of any kind. Dean walked back to Sam. The taller Winchester looked at his brother hopefully and sighed when the response he got was a slow shake of the head. "Alright, that'll be all for now, Sheriff. Let us know if you have any more information," Sam said. The Sheriff nodded and walked away towards the diner, as he was being called.

"Nothing?" Sam asked his brother quietly as they were alone. Dean shook his head.

"No EMF, no sulfur, no werewolf marks or anything. Nothing. Zip, zilch, nada," Dean said, slightly frustrated.

"What kind of monster is this? We've never dealt with anything like this...," Sam said, looking around them, making sure that no one was listening in. The Sheriff suddenly came running back in and interrupted the two brothers.

"Agents! Thank God you haven't left yet. We just discovered a new clue. You're gonna want to see this," the Sheriff said. The two brothers looked at each other, confused. Dean shrugged and followed the Sheriff. "It seems to be a note from someone to someone else, in fact two people. Probably brothers? Or maybe a couple, we don't know. We'll have to run the names. Oh also, a slice of pie was found with the letter but we've removed that for possible DNA testing. I'll warn you though, I think we're dealing with some sort of devil-worshipping cult. There was mention of a Lucifer?" the Sheriff blabbed on as they reached the inside of the diner. He led them up to the diner's counter. Sam and Dean paled at the mention of Lucifer.

The Lucifer?  Dean mouthed to Sam. He shrugged back to his brother.

"Here it is, boys," the Sheriff sighed. Sam and Dean saw a yellow parchement with black ink handwritten on the paper. They looked at each other oddly before reading the note.

Sam and Dean Winchester,

My, what an honour it is to be writing to you! I have heard so many wonderful things about you boys and I've been meaning to... recruit you. And today's the day! Oh, sorry about the mess. I figured that this was the only way to receive your attention. Little Miss Jenny wasn't a very good girl anyways. She was cheating on five different men and stole from them, hundreds of dollars. Justice has been served. Anywhom, a force behind our comprehension is forming. Lucifer is on the rise once more and I'll be needing you boys to help me. You are needed to save our world once more. Lucifer is busting out of his cage soon. Please meet at the bottom of the London Eye on Thursday March 5th at 8pm. Look for a tree nearby with the markings EB on it.

Don't be late. I'll be pleased to meet you,


PS I heard you liked pie, Dean Winchester. Take this slice of pie as an offering and as insurance that I have no devious intentions.

Sam and Dean both paled and froze when they finished the letter. Dean looked at Sam and said, "The line's drawn." Sam nodded, understanding. This was their code word to make up a lie and get the hell out.  Sam muttered something about how this was a typical serial killer and that the FBI would take care of it. The two darted out of the diner as fast as they could before any police officers or the Sheriff could ask them questions. Dean drove away quickly in the Impala, the engine blaring in the quiet neighbourhood.

"Lucifer's going to get out of his cage? We have to fly to England to meet some dude we don't even know? Tell me how that doesn't scream suspicious to you," Dean said, as soon as they were far from the diner.

"I don't know, Dean. But I mean... what if the guy's telling the truth? What if Lucifer's out of his cage and he's going to join up with some worse people? I'd say that the world is in danger. We should go and see and if no one shows up, then we'll fly back and forget the whole thing," Sam replied, loosening his ridiculous tie. Dean shrugged.

"How long do I have to be stuck in that stupid metal death trap for?" Dean asked.

"I think a flight to London is about.. eight hours? Maybe ten with transfers," Sam said, after thinking for a bit.

"Aw... really? Ugh, the things I do for humanity," Dean replied, slightly angry.

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