The Love of a Butterfly

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"There will always be a reason why you meet people. Either you need them to change your life or you're the one that will change theirs."
-Madeline Sheehan

Timid Starshine walked into Ponyville. He was a pegasus, although, he was not a strong flier, which was why he walked into the town instead of flying into town. His coat was a dark, navy blue color. His mane was black with a streak of silver. His cutie mark was a white silhouette of a bird. As he entered Ponyville, all he had with him were saddlebags that had a buckle in the shape of a butterfly, not in the shape of his Cutie Mark, which was unlike most ponies.

While Timid Starshine walked down the street, he saw many ponies. Since it was about midday, most ponies were out and about. Some stood at carts selling items, some were playing games, and some were just sitting around talking in groups of two up to groups of about ten ponies.

Since he was new to the town, and didn't know anyone, he thought he would try talking to somepony, maybe ask for directions to somewhere he could stay for a few nights. He thought he would start with a group of two, since he was already starting to feel a little nervous, and he knew going for a large crowd would make him really scared quite quickly.

He began walking towards two mares, one was a grey earth pony with a long grey mane. She had violet eyes, a pink bowtie, and her Cutie Mark was a purple treble clef. The other pony was a white unicorn with a short mane that was striped with two different shades of blue. She wore purple sunglasses, so Starshine couldn't see her eyes, and her Cutie Mark was some kind of backwards music note. She also had headphones around her neck.

As he walked up to them, he grew steadily more nervous. He could see that they were talking to each other, or at least, the grey one was talking. The unicorn seemed to just be listening and nodding a lot. Before he got to close, he decided that he didn't want to interrupt them, and he continued walking. He knew that that wasn't really the reason he didn't talk to them, he just hated the fact that he was so shy and he had to make up a reason to reassure himself.

After walking for a short while, he saw a building that seemed to sell things like cakes, cupcakes, candy, and other sweet things like that. He walked in and noticed a pink pony with a Cutie Mark that was three balloons, two blue and one yellow, was behind the counter talking to a pony who seemed to be ordering something. As he walked up to the counter, the pink pony handed the other pony a small box. As that pony moved away from the counter, Starshine walked up to it.

"Ex-Excuse m-m-me," he stammered quietly, his shyness getting the best of him.

When the pink pony noticed Starshine, she stared at him in a way like she was trying to size him up or something.

"Wh-wha..." he began to stammer, starting to become really uncomfortable, but he stopped when a huge grin spread across the pink pony's face.

"You must be new here!" she practically shouted at him. "My name is Pinkie Pie, what's yours?" As she asked this question, she leaned towards him.

Starshine quickly became scared. He was shy to begin with and, although this pony did appear to be genuinely friendly, her methods seemed very aggressive. He quickly began backing away, trying to come up with something to say, but all he did was make a few noises. He then turned around and ran.

As he left, he heard the pink pony say, in a confused, and slightly sad tone, "Was it something I said?"

- ­- -

Timid Starshine loved the forest. He would often go there to think, or to calm himself down after being worked up. After he had run out of the shop with the pink pony, he went to a nearby forest for both reasons. He wasn't in the Everfree Forest, he traveled enough to know not to go in there, but he was in a different forest nearby.

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