Unexpected Reunion

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The Water Ritual is agruably the most important day for the Water Kingdoms. Cancer, Scoripo, and Pisces take this day to honor the great spirits who have created them and blessed them with their gifts of intuition and insight. It is a day to purify one's self, and exchange a drink of rain water between someone you love. Water symbolizes feeling and emotions, and is the source of all life. This day symbolizes the union between all water creations.

The Scorpian castle changed their blood-red banners to different shades of blue. Water lilies and other aquatic plants were displayed in large circular aquariums with different kinds of fish. The windows were coated with a film of transparent oil that hardened with the heat of the sun. When the sunlight hit the oily glass, the light that came through it illuminated the castle with a rainbow light. Months of planning had gone into this event which Scorpio had never took responsibility of. It had to be perfect.  

"Hello Anthony, it's been such a long time since I've seen you!"

Princess Helda of Pisces greeted the surprised prince with a beaming smile. Her voice alone was enough to irk the handsome prince, but not enough to dismiss her. He knew he would need her to reach his ultimate goal. 

"And I to the both of you", Prince Anthony briefly smiled before looking at the younger sister, Rebecca. "You both have grown beautifully since the last time I saw you."

"Aw you're too kind", Helda grinned with a flick of her golden blonde hair. Her green eyes seemed to pierce him like a lioness watching her next meal. "I had this dress tailored by the Farfello family of Virgo. Beautiful isn't it?"

He glanced over her Lavender dress adornend with real pears. With a smirk she leaned into his ear husikly. "The bottom comes off with a single clasp. You'll be seeing me preform tonight for the ceremony, won't you?"

She patted him gently on the chest before making her way to greet the other members of the court. Anthony coughed uneasily, before noticing the glossy blue eyes of Rebecca. "And how are you and your mother, My Lady?"

"Which mother? Mine or Helda's?"

"Both I suppose."

Walking to a place more private, the two looked out to the courtyard with a full glass of wine in hand. The breeze was cool as the sun shined comfortably on the two of them. Before them was a magnificent view of the Piscerian Kingdom in the distance and the sea that connected all of the water countries.

Rebecca's downcasted blue orbs seemed darker than the color of the ocean. Her face looked into her chalice, not wanting to look up to the prince. "Queen Mariam still hates me, but my mother still keeps in contact with me. She sends me a letter every week."

"You did nothing wrong, Rebecca. You know that."

"Yes but that doesn't change the fact that I'm still the King's bastard daughter. He didn't even keep my mother as a Mistress, but sent her away to some private estate."

Anthony moved closer to her; his presence making her look up at him. Her light brown hair and soulful blue eyes enchanted him. Her sea-green mermaid dress made it that much harder to restrain his desire for her... The desire he always had for her.

"Why don't you live with your mother then?"

"Father wants me to live with him. He still treats me as his own daughter, despite the Queen's disregard for me. Helda and Marcus are nice to me though, so I'm okay for now."

Still not convienced of her wellbeing, he lightly pushed further. "Then is all well?"

"As far as a bastard child can get, I suppose. I don't think I'll marry into a ruling class, but I might find a servant or wealthy merchant who'll take me in", she smiled. "For now, lets not talk of this and enjoy the ritual, okay?" She took a large gulp of wine, and smiled reassuringly at Anthony.

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