With a knock on the door, Keyara was allowed inside the princess's chambers by one of the ladies in waiting. Right away, an annoyed princess greeted her view, unhappy with her customized dress.

"What's wrong", the designer asked friskly.

"Is all of this really necessary?"

"Alexandria, you are a princess. You might as well look like it! You wear the same blue dress everyday!"

"It's a comfortable dress."

"You're in no position to be comfortable", she tisked. "I did a good job on this. It's dark green color suites your complexion. And the black lace was a nice and delicate touch. Very becoming of someone of your stature." Crossing her arms she gave a wide grin. "You look more like... a lady."

"Ugh, you sound like everyone else in this kingdom."

"Can you blame them? You showed up for dinner with mud on your dress and a stain that couldn't be removed even by the best seamstresses. Instead of studying politics and language you sneek out to play ball with the servant kids or swim in the lake. It's not a good look for you."

The princess took a deep breath and just decided to accept it for now. This wasn't the first time she had been told this. "Whatever. The dress is beautiful though. I just don't know it it's... me."

"You're a princess. This is you", she sighed. With a snap of her fingers, the servants were dismissed. Grabbing Alexandria's crown, she took a moment to view the lackluster of the royal ornamanet. It was made of copper with garnet stones. A strange combination, but the copper and garnet were the official symbols of the Capricorn Kingdom.

"Now that you look like what you are, I have arranged something that's more of your taste."

"Which is?"

Placing the crown on the princess's head, Keyara looked at themselves in the mirror. "A ball. Full of dancing, food, and handsome suitors from my country. Of course you can't court any of them, but I thought it would make tonight exciting enough for you."

Alexandria looked astonished. "Are you serious? We haven't had a ball since Zackery's 'coming of age'  party."

"Why do you think I've been redecorating the whole castle? It's time that Capricorn stops being so modest and does something that isn't revolved around books and scriptures for once."

"Have you also invited the Queen of Virgo?" Alexandria raised an eyebrow at her Lady suspiciously. Keyara wouldn't have done all of this if she couldn't have gained in some way. The Queen of Virgo was only a rank higher than Keyara was. If she wanted, she could use this party as a way to get closer to the Queen of her country. But it seemed the motives were different...

"...No. I see no reason to. If she came you would be expect to act more like a princess, right?"

"Yes, but the Virgians are known to be... effemiate in their behavior."

Keyara frowned. "And is that such a bad thing? You might learn a thing or two from them. I've invited your court and their families to participate in the ball if they desired. This is your chance to show that you are the princess that the kingdom wants you to be. Please don't blow this chance. I'm doing this for you."

"Okay, okay I'll try. But I keep no promises."

"Would you be saying that if I invited the fire kingdoms instead?"

Alexandria took a seat on her bed, scratching the itchy lace on her dress. "It's just, everything they do seems exciting. They party everynight, the girls are free to dress almost naked in Aries, the Leons get drunk over fine wine, and the Sagitarians joust one another and hold brothels for fun-"

"You are so dirty! Do you want to be a whore that badly?"

The princess laughed at such a thing. "Not that I want to have sex all the time or anything. But the stuff that's illegal here, is perfectly allowed there. I want to dance and kiss who I want. I want to get drunk and ride a horse - and fight! Without being shamed for it..."

Sitting behind her on the bed, Keyara placed the princess's long black hair in a high braided bun. For a Capricornian princess, it was strange how much she enjoyed studying the fire cultures. There was something amazing and admirable from the people there that Alexandria could respect. 

"Key, do you know the Queen of Aries?"

"Do I look like a barbarian to you?"

Alexandria laughed to herself. "It was a while ago, but when the Elemental Games was held in Aries, she introduced herself to me at the banquet. If it wasn't for her crown and attire, I wouldn't have guessed she was an Arien."

Placing the bobby pins in Alexandria's hair she asked why.

"I don't want to sound sterotypical, but she was nicer than what I thought. Like... too nice. And her voice was high too."

"What? You expected her to have a man voice?"

The two looked at each other and then bursted out laughing. "Well, yeah! You know, they're known for being tough and strong and stuff."

"And what of her clothes?" the Virgian inquired.

"She wore battle armor but it was really revealing." Alexandria looked at herself and frowned. "I would die if my parents saw me wear Arien clothes - let alone armor."

Keyara finished the last touches on Alexandria's hair and smiled warmly. "Well you definetely have more of a chance of finding a man then an Arien does. The people there marry brutes and savages, not respectable and civilized people. I don't know any man who wants their wife to have the heart of a wild beast."

"I'm sure they're not all like that. I want to see her again."

"Another time. Tonight, you will be showing your kingdom just how fit you are as princess."

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