The begining

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"Chris come down like now!" I yelled form the stairwell "were going to be late meeting liom and Baily"! "Come on". "I'm coming I'm coming" said Chris "geez I was just getting my shoes on" We got in the car and then it was silent for about 5 min. "Chris?" I asked "yes?" "Um... Are you young to start the car?" "Oh oh ye... Yeah yeah sorry I couldn't help but stare at your beutiful face". "Hahahaha that's real funny I said that's real funny." "No Margo I... Just never mind lets go". Chris said embarrassed. Me and Chris have been best friends since pre k. I've loved him ever sin the 8th grade but I've never told him. We're going on a hike today with our two other friends  Baily and liom but Chris has a crush on Baily so I have no chance. We got to the hiking place and their they were Baily and liom I imdiatly ran up to liom and hugged him and obviously Chris went to flirt with Baily. Liom is the only one who know I love Chris. So pretty much the whole hike Chris and Baily were flirting with each other and me and liom were just walking together. I told liom what happened in the car and he said it was a sign but I didn't BELIVE it. "Liom?" I said "yea, um what happened between you and Baylee you guys used to be super close but"... Then he walked off and just ignored me. So for about 30 minutes I was walking alone watching Chris and Baylee flirt and liom sulking because of me.

This is my first story so if it's bad don't make fun of me. I hope you like it

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2016 ⏰

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