Chapter 6// internet

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She didn't seem that bad of a girl. She was athletic and pretty. The only part that irritated me was that was was always on her phone. I mean we are in Costa Rica it's beautiful! I snapped back into the conversation.

"So how old are you guys" I ask
"Well I'm fourteen and Aaron is seventeen" Paige says

"Oh I'm fourteen as well" I say

Aaron looks over his shoulder and sees a girl his age and says
"Yeah I'm gonna go"

I laugh "alright"

As I look over Paige is on her phone once again.

"What are you doing" I ask

"Just trying to connect to wifi I need to get in contact with my friends" Paige adds

"Good luck getting wifi there is none out here" I say

She groaned and put her phone down onto the table. I never realized how pale she was. Not in a bad way but it made her blue eyes stand out. He hair was more of a light blonde almost grey. He freckles were sprinkled under her eyes and across her nose.

"Paige!" I heard yelling across the pool

"Yeah" she screamed back.

"Mom said that we have to go organize our clothes" Aaron screamed back.

She smiled.

"Thanks again for the drink. And good meeting you." She said

" good meeting you too Paige" I say

She started swimming away.

"Oh and one more thing Matt"

"Yeah" I say

"Let's sit by each other at the business dinner tonight" and then she got out of the pool.

I glanced over at the table and realized that she had left her phone. I know I shouldn't look at it but I mean I have too.

I grabbed the phone off the table and got out of the pool. I dried off and tuned on the phone. The lock screen was here with a guy.

Dang it. That's probably her boyfriend. But I mean we can be friends. But she has to change a few things and so do I.



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