Broken Noses and Conversations With the Moon

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Divination isn't as bad as expected; Professor Trelawney is gentle on the essays, and we're released unscathed.
After our morning classes, we head to lunch. Neville, Dean, and Seamus join us on our way, and we run- literally- into the worst people in the world: Pansy Parkinson and Draco Malfoy. Pansy snickers as she runs smack into me, causing me to fall, and I land face first on the ground, hearing a solid crack as I do so. I hear Ginny yell, and hear skin hitting skin, I begin to peel myself off the floor, and see Neville holding Ginny's arm, stopping her from completing her hex. I catch him whispering something to her and my heart quickens almost immediately.
Seamus and Dean help me up the rest of the way, and Seamus grimaces when he looks at my face. "What?" He points to his own nose. I touch my nose and it comes away bloody, leaving remnants of pain in my face. "Not again! That's the third time this week!" Neville looks at me as Luna coaxes my face towards her.
"Third, Ari? It's only Monday!" Luna steps back and points her wand at my face. I roll my eyes at Neville's outburst.
"Yeah, twice yesterday and once today." Neville shakes his head and mutters something under his breath. Luna whispers the charm and I feel intense pain in my face as I double over. When I straighten myself out, Luna nods, satisfied. "I'm going to the girl's lavatory to clean up. Luna, come with me?" She nods and departs with me, while the others head into the Great Hall for lunch.
"You shouldn't let them push you around like that, Ari." She stands by the entrance as I use a spare shirt from my bag to wipe the blood off my face.
"I can't exactly fight back, Luna." I shove the shirt back into my bag and pull out my makeup bag. I see her nod and shrug out of the corner of my eye.
"At least let Ginny fight back." I say nothing, just continue applying my mascara. I pause and see her push off the wall and stand behind me. "I know that you asked Neville to help limit her hexes per day." I blush.
"When did he tell you?" Her eyes meet mine in the mirror.
"This morning, when you ran out after breakfast." I nod, pushing my hair back behind my ear and hoisting my messenger bag on my shoulder. "Are you ready?" I nod and we begin our trek to lunch.
"One more thing, Arielle." I look at her.
"I saw you roll your eyes at Neville. You shouldn't get upset with him; he just wants what's best for you." I nod.
"I know, it's just... I'm not used to it." She stops in front of the entrance to the Great Hall.
"To what? Someone actually caring about you?" I nod and kick the ground lightly, my little nervous habit. She laughs a little bit. "I sure hope he's not another toy. I don't think I can take anymore drama within our small group." I smile at her and begin to back up towards the Gryffindor table, towards my boyfriend and my best friend.
"We'll see." She walks along the other side of the table.
"I don't like the sound of that at all." I smile, spin around and skip to my seat beside Neville. I hear her, muffled and far away. "Not one bit."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2016 ⏰

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