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"Five, six, seven, eight."

Ophelia started her routine as soon as she called the numbers. It was a quick, jazzy, tap-style number and was outrageously fun to perform. She had to hand it to Nergal, he knew some great dances. He'd promised to teach her swing dancing once she mastered this.

It had been two months since she'd followed Junior down to the core after school. Rosalind, Nergal, and Sis had talked things over, and had come to an arrangement.

Ophelia still needed to spend most of her time in the human world on the surface, for her own sake. But one day a week, she would make her way back down to spend time with Junior and his family. Some days she learned about their history. Some days she learned about her powers and potential.

And some days, like today, she learned to dance.

Nergal was grinning, and gave a nod watching her. He made a good coach, and was giving her pointers as she continued. "Yes, yes... good. Watch your step on the turn. A tad faster... now you've got it."

When she twirled on her heels in a finisher, and struck a pose as the music stopped, Junior jumped up and applauded. It was a small audience, but it suited her just fine.

Ophelia grinned at the both of them and did a big sweeping bow, saying "Thank you, thank you, you're too kind, really."

She felt her coach rest a hand on her shoulder as she stood back to full height. "Well, while I must give some credit to your instructor, you are an excellent student, my dear," he said with a slight chuckle.

"I blame theater," she said, laughing along slightly. She walked over to take her seat next to Junior, plopping down and crossing her legs. "I've been thinking about going back behind the curtain as a stagehand again. I haven't done anything of that nature since before I came here."

Junior looked at her curiously. "You mean... since the thing happened?"

Ophelia paused, and then gave him a nod. "Almost blowing up a building because Eris tampered with it and your supernatural power ignited a gas line kind of... you know. Makes you think twice."

Junior frowned slightly. He made a motion as if to try and comfort her, but she shook her head.

"I'm fine with it. Really. A lot of crazy things happened, but I did get back in touch with Rose. And if it hadn't happened, I'd never have met you, or your dancey dad." She gave Junior a nudge and threw a lopsided grin at Nergal.

"You haven't seen dancey from me yet," he asserted, puffing up a bit. "Just wait until we start swing next week. Then, my boy," he stated, directing his attention to Junior, "you'll see some of the moves that won over your mother."

Junior gave a groan. "Daaaaad." It set off a laugh from both Ophelia and Nergal.

"We're just teasing you," the girl said, poking his arm. He made a face at her and poked back. He'd really started to come out of his shell, at least around her. They were so similar to start with, and had spent enough time together, that it all seemed natural.

She'd even made her peace with Mandy in the end. Well, maybe not peace, but they no longer had any intentions of actively battling or locking up one another. That was a start. And Mandy was okay, really, once you got past the intimidating glares and her brusque attitude. She was really just an independent and determined girl, a bit like Ophelia could be when the time called for it.

All in all, things were a lot better than she could have hoped. Yes, her time down here was limited. And she swore she could see doubt in Nergal's eyes every now and then, wondering if he really was doing what was best for her. Like right now, for example. And, like she always did, she tried her best to address his doubts without directly saying it.

"You know, I really do like coming down here," she said, glancing around. "I mean, the dancing is fun and all, but I think it's good I know about all this." She made a sweeping gesture around the room as she continued. "Not just the whole the-underworld-really-exists thing, but you know. All of it."

Nergal relaxed, so slightly she barely saw it. But he did all the same. Mission accomplished.

"As long as you're sure," he told her, taking a seat next to the two kids. "How is the electricity generation coming along? Is it getting any easier?"

Her eyes gleamed when he asked. She could do it at will now, as long as she concentrated. She held out her hand, fixating her eyes on the center of her palm, and a blue orb sparked a couple of times before appearing and holding steady. She kept it up for about three seconds, and then closed her hand, dissolving it in an instant. "Much easier."

Nergal gave a nod of approval before resting his chin on a hand. "And anything else? Any new abilities surfacing?"

Junior was leaning forward now, eager to hear the answer. Ophelia suspected he hoped she'd develop shapeshifting, so he could have someone to bounce off image ideas with. Even though Junior looked like a kid, she knew by now that he could change that any time he wished. He simply didn't because it helped him fit in better.

"Afraid not," she said with an apologetic shrug. "I am still mostly human, so I guess that's normal. But hey, who knows, right? Maybe time will tell."

"Maybe it will," Nergal agreed with her. Just then a knock came at the door, and Rosalind poked her head in. "I came to claim and feed my sister," she said with a smile.

Ophelia skipped to the door and gave the older girl a quick hug. It was dinnertime, and that meant it was time to leave.

"I thought we might go to that new Italian place," she said after returning the hug. "And, I also thought that maybe the rest of you would like to join us?" She glanced over her sister's shoulder at Junior and Nergal as she did. "Sis would be invited too, of course. I'd like all of us to sit down together. We haven't actually done that yet."

Come to think of it, she was right. It prompted Ophelia and Junior both to throw pleading glances at Nergal Senior. He seemed surprised at the offer, yet pleased. "I'll check with Sis, then. If it gets her approval, I don't see why not." On that note, he made his way out of the room, looking for his wife.

"We'll go ahead and get a table," Rosalind told Junior. "Tell your dad to meet us there?" She turned to go as well, and Ophelia was left.

She threw a final smile at Junior. "See you in a few." The smile was returned, and he seemed hesitant to go. It puzzled her for a moment, and what happened next puzzled her even more.

He gave her a hug. A quick, slightly awkward one, but still a hug.

"Yeah. See you," he answered, before trotting off after his dad.

Ophelia grinned as she turned away after her sister. Never had she thought things would end this way, after all they'd gone through to get here. She would say it was everything she'd dreamed of having, but honestly, it was better. When she was alone and friendless in her old town, she'd never once thought she'd end up with something resembling a proper family. A group of people who cared about her and wanted the best for her. She hadn't dared to hope for it, because it hadn't really seemed possible. And now that she had it, she never wanted to let it go.

Rosalind put an arm around her sister when she caught up. "Everything all right?" She was asking about dinner, and about the ridiculous grin on Ophelia's face. The younger girl nodded, keeping stride as they went back up towards the surface.

"Yeah. Everything's perfect."


The End

Thanks to all the readers who stuck with this to the end. And thanks to everyone who offered me encouragement and ideas while this project was in the works.

The story is over, but the saga doesn't have to be! If I get good ideas for a sequel, I would strongly consider writing it.

On that note, I'm currently developing a story called Birth of a Time Lady. If you or anyone you know is into Doctor Who, please feel free to check it out.

Hope to be writing on this topic for you all again sometime in the future. It was a blast.

~ Opera_Phan

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