part 1 He isn't human

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It was a rainy night the survivors clothes dripping with rain water one of them Bill was servierly injured making it hard for him to move they layed him on the only bed that was in the room giving him pain pills every once and awhile he was in great pain a hunter who caught him off guard clawed his side leaving claw marks Zoey the only female was standing by on guard making sure nothing got in she was sitting in a nest only a few feet from the safe room holding her rifle watching when she heard a noise behind her she spun around nothing was their then a hunter let out a screech and it made her ears hurt and a knot in her stomach grew tighter as the hunter leaped onto her raising his claws but stopped looking at her leaning over sniffing her he shook his head standing up walking to the edge of the nest kneeling down leaping away she laid their tramatized panting heavily sitting up grabbing her rifle and shooting a couple of rounds into the dark.
Francis ran over holding his shotgun "Zoey!? Is everything all right?" He asked seeing black blood on her jacket "yeah I'm fine there was a hunter and I killed it" she was shaken up why didn't he kill me?
She couldn't get it out of her head "hey francis will you take watch I'm exhausted" francis replied with a nod "go get some sleep you'll need it" she climbed down the watch tower walking to the saferoom laying down on the floor near a little fire they managed to make taking her jacket off laying it next to her laying her rifle against the wall passing out

(Yeah it sucks but I tried my best I'll make another part if anyone really wants me to)

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