Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Snow drifted down to the ground leisurely. Landing over the accumulating heaps ice. The morning was quiet; a perfect setting for winter, until on door in a once silent neighborhood was yanked open.

"Get out!" Ellie's mother screamed. Her brown eyes were wide with anger; vividly rimmed a crimson red from lack of oxygen. In her hands she held a small bag filled carelessly with the clothes she had managed to get her hands on is the seconds she had stormed through her daughter’s room. She promptly threw it into her snowy front yard. Next she pushed Ellie outside into the morning cold making her fall into the fresh snow next to the bag after a few staggering steps. She glared at the small luggage that rested next to her as many snow flurries flew up and covered her bare arms.

Ellie looked up at her mother and frowned, maybe she had gone a little too far this time. Her mother just glared down at her. "Don't ever come back," she hissed turning around to look down the hallway of her house. "I will not tolerate you and you’re... Your damn infatuation with fire."

Ellie recalled herself only messing with the electrical wires to the heater in her room and causing a few sparks, but it was nothing compared to the other times. "It was harmless!" Ellie complained loudly.

"That was until you decided to start a fire with the sparks!" her mother yelled back. "You burned my work! How am I supposed to finish my job now, Ellie?"

"My gosh, you started on this job two days ago!" Ellie retorted.

"Get out if my sight Ellie, now. Unless you want me to call the mental hospital."

"Are you kidding me?" Ellie screamed trembling from her rising anger. "Where am I supposed to go?"

"Leave. Right now." There was no room for arguments. Having a parent with a fear of fire made life complicated, especially when Ellie loved looking at flames and connecting them to every part of her life. Ellie laughed humorlessly and began to get up.

"You really are a bitch you know that?" she spat. "Some mother you ever were, you're just like grandma."

Her mother’s eyes widened at the mention of her grandmother. "I'm not-"

"Oh no I forgot, at least she found you a job as a stripper first."

Ellie stood up, ignoring the goose-bumps that crawled up her arms from the cold and her throbbing bottom. She yanked the bag from the icy floor and slung it over her shoulder.

"You could have at least bothered to get me a warm jacket." she murmured.

Without another word, her mom shut the door forcefully in her face.

Ellie sighed and began to walk down the street, shivering at the cold biting at her skin. "Well this sucks..." Ellie sighed. She had no clue where to go.

She could go to a family member's, like an aunt or her ever surprising grandmothers house: a completely fool proof plan... If they didn't live halfway across the country, and if they had kept in touch. But life really never has its easy paths now does it? The only thing she had on her were clothes stuffed into a bag, and if she was lucky twenty bucks in her back pocket. She reached back and sighed in relief when she found what she was looking for.

To a warm store it was.

Hopefully by the time Ellie found something cheap her mom would have calmed down a little and would let her back in.

Hopefully... A pro-active voice in the back of her mind reminded her. After all, since when does she ever go back on what she says? You've been the cause of her distress since you learned about fingers and fire.

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