"I SWEAR TO GOD!" He screamed as he ran out of the room and entered at the first room he saw.

"What the hell." A guy on a tuxedo cursed with women around him sewing the suit he had on.

The red-haired frowned he didn't liked being ignored.

Nagisa was panting as if he just ran hundreds of miles.

"That...was... intense." Karma gave a death glare to the blunette.

"Who the hell are you?" Karma was demanding for an answer, Nagisa just stared at him.

"I'm Nagisa, nice to meet you." He stretched his hand out, but Karma didn't shook it.

"You're fired." And with that he went back to look at himself at the mirror.


"What you just heard." Karma turned at him. "Grab your stuff and get ot of here."

"Excuse me, I live here." He raised his eyebrow.

"I see." He said. "What was your name again?"

"Nagisa." He smiled. "Nagisa Shiota."

"Look, Nagisa." He walked to where Nagisa was. "I think you should remember who I am."


"I'm the one and only Karma Akabane." He said pridefully.

"Karm Akawhat?" He asked. "Actually it sounds familiar."

"Look you little  piece of blue shit, sarcasm is something I don't tolerate." Karma frowned.

"And I don't tolerate insults." He fought back. "I don't know who you are, but all I know is that you are.... You are...  You are rude! Yes you are very rude!"
Karma laughed.

"How does a girl like you dares to talk to me like that." Nagisa was about to explode, he didn't liked this guy at all.

"I'M A GUY!" He yelled at Karma. "You unatural red-haired, your hair is probably dyed!"

Karma chuckled. "And I'm supposed to be the rude one here, Transgender-Chan." Then he leaned closer to Nagisa's face with their noses almost touching. "And just so you know my hair is natural. Don't you ever dare to joke about it again."

"Don't you ever call me that." Nagisa raised his tone.

"What? Transgender-Chan? It suits you." He winked.

"You are a jerk."

"Karma!" Rio yelled.

"You are fired." Karma said not even bothering without looking at her.

"W-What?" She blinked.

"What did she do?" Nagisa said.

"Nothing of your concern." He then turned to Rio. "You are fired."

"If you fire her, you are going to regret it." Nagisa threatened. "What you are doing is not fair."

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