Just as I thought of leaving the empty parking lot that I was suppose to be meeting Ghost in, his blue Ford truck pulled up.

He hopped out and we did the crip handshake.

" What you got for me today? " I ask, getting straight to the point.

I don't like wasting time, I'm on the clock everyday.

" Aight so this Nigga named Boss talked to me earlier today. He say he wanna work business with you. Note, this Nigga is young. I'm talm bout 19 years old young. But my Nigga, this lil dude is slick as hell. I took him to kill that Nigga Cope for me, and he did it like it was no problem. He been killen and sellin since he was 13. He get money, but not enough. His parents got killed when he had just turned 5. He was put in foster 8 years and ran away when he turned 13. And he trynna kill the Nigga who did it. That Nigga happens to be the same Nigga who killed yo parents"


That was that niggas name. I swore when I found him, I would torture his ass and make sure he remembered my face as he slowly died. He killed my parents in front of me.

Why? Cause my dad was at the top. You could say he was the most known Nigga in the state of Texas.

He was jealous of what my daddy had. He wanted the money, cars, clothes, and females. He coulda got all that by just gettin a real job.

I made sure to remember how his ass looked. And when I find him, he gone wish he never lived.

" Where this Nigga at? " I ask, talkin bout the 15 year old. Ima see what he about.

" He said to give you his number and y'all can meet up. He don't give personal information"


" Aight "

He handed me the number.

"Aight my nigga" I say while gettin in my car and headin home.


: " Smooth. Trystate Park. 3:00 sharp or im leaving. " :

That was the text I sent that Boss dude from my fake phone. I don't give nobody my real number.

He replied with an "Ard" .

I shut off my phone and headed to the Park. It was an old abandoned park, and nobody come here unless they bout to fight, fuck, or handle business.

I pulled up to the park at around 2:58. Two minutes early.

I got out and saw a young dude on the bench, on his phone. I put my glock on my waist and covered it with my shirt. Never know what these niggas will pull these days.

"Speak" was all i said while sittin in front of him.

" I know you alone in this business. I wanna help you out. I need extra cash and you might need extra help. And I heard we lookin for the same niggas. Teedo "

" What make you think I need help? "

" Shit ian say you did. I said you might. I'm just trynna help us both. I want to find this Nigga soon cause he think he got away with killin my parents "

I nodded.

" Well I ain neva been the type to allow people into my one-way business, but since we both want the same Nigga, I'll consider it. All I need is for you to prove yo respect, loyalty, and honesty. "

" I got all that "

" Aight. We'll talk on Friday. Meet me here again 5:00pm sharp. Don't be late" I said, gettin up and walkin away.

A Gangstas PrayerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora