about myself.

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Before I begin. Tell me if you agree on how I am. If you dont. Please tell me why you dont.

Age: 14
Birthday: November 7
Born: 2002
Hobbies: playing games. Reading and writing books.
Personality( I have different ones on how I feel.): I am friendly, caring, emotional, and wild and crazy.
Gender: male.

Anything else you want to know! Just ask.

what I think about?
I always wonder if I can make everyone happy while staying myself.

If anyone is upset about something. Message me and I will try to help you through whatever it is. I want to help people through what is hurting them. It makes me upset when I hear people say nobody likes them or wants them. I can't hate anyone. I try to not get mad about anything. I want people to be the best they can be. But I will always stand out and protect those who can't protect themselves. So if you need to talk, I will always be there for you. Just let me know and we can talk.

Bye guys and have an amazing day or night.

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