Some New Discoveries

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"D-dorian! Wait! I might trip!"
The elf followed his lover, holding the hem of his shirt tight so he won't lose him. The elder man laughed.
"You are too slow Amatus."

"You are mean!" the blind elf complained.
Dorian slowed down, leading the other up the stairs to his own chambers. "Ah? We are going to my room?" he asked curious. The elf knew the smell. He likes to keep fresh plants in his room to remember him that he was indeed a dalish. It was easy to forget your own heritage as the Inquisitor with all this political stuff going on.

"I have a plan." the mage whispered.

After Dorian opened the last door, up to Ishana's chamber, he lead the Inquisitor to the bed so he could sit down.

"So what is your plan now?" the elf asked with a husky voice. He had flirted with Dorian quite often in the last few days. More than usual. "I wanted to have you for my own. You know, talking without having to fear that others might hear our words." the man answered, sitting down next to the redhead. The elf's hands wandered over the soft covers of his bed, trying to feel where Dorian was now. His covers were made from soft fur. He always liked feeling it on his fingers, feeling the light sensation of every single hair on his fingertip. He flinched as his hands reached a harder fabric.

"Ah! There you are."

"Indeed amatus, here I am." Dorian whispered.
The elf felt how his cheeks turned warm.

"May I ask for a favor?"

The mage nodded, remembering that the other couldn't see his movements, whispering "Go on." instead.
"I always wondered what your face might look like. . . C-can I touch it? It's weird for most people I ask and I'd understand it if you don't want me to touch your face with my sore fingers. . ." Dorian looked at the young man in front of him who faced his direction with that innocent smile of his and then down to his hands. The Inquisitors hands were indeed sore and covered with small wounds. Having to feel most of his surroundings, working his way through bushes and tall grass made it impossible to have soft skin. Mostly Dorian didn't mind though he had to admit that the feeling of the hard skin and small cuts often made him shiver when the young man touched him. He gave a soft smile and sighed.

"Go on, Amatus."

The elf couldn't hide his excitement and clapped his hands twice. Ishana shifted his weight to get closer to Dorian and started to gently put his hands on both sides of the other's face. His skin felt soft, his jawline seemed to be defined and his forehead showed light signs of upcoming wrinkles. The young man chuckle as his hands worked their way up to Dorian's ears. He gave a soft laugh as his hands wandered to the others forehead. On their way, Ishana felt a small rising on his right side. Probably a mole.

"Though I have never seen colors before. . . What does your skin look like? Is it light? Would people conisder you as tanned? Or is it dark?"

There were so many questions burning inside of the young elf and he would ask them all at once if he could. Dorian chuckled telling him about his tan as the elf continued to explore the other's face. It indeed felt weird to be touched like that and he for sure would have already left if it wasn't for the young Inquisitor. The elf looked so innocent. So tempting. He loved his light skin and thin lips. Ishana's short hair was a mess of orange strands and a few locks dared to fall in front of his forehead, hiding his almost invisible marks even more. The sun had lightened them now that he lived outside, far from the cool shadows of the deep forest. Dorian placed his hand on the others cheek as he closed the gap between them. Soft lips, brushing against equally soft lips. Ishana sucked in air for a moment and then held his breath. His ears twitched and set back yet he didn't show a sign of fear. Dorian held still for a moment before he crushed his lips against the others. His plan was interrupted by a firm grip on both sides of his face though.

"W-what is this?!" the elf asked, filled with curiousity.

"A kiss?"

"Not that!"

He brought his fingers up to the others lips, the feeling of his hard skin giving Dorian a shiver. He went a little more up and placed them on his moustache.

"This! What is this?"

The elf kept on exploring the weird patch of hair as Dorian watched him, not believing what he was just asked.

"A-amatus. This is a beard."

"A beard?"

Dorian's eyes went wide at the other question. Almost offended he said "How can you not know what a beard is?!"

"Well, elves obviously don't have them."

The mage had to take a second before he could understand. "OH! Right, elves don't grow hair other than the ones on their head. So you never felt facial hair before?"


Dorian laughed.

"Then go ahead. Explore as much as you want." he said, taking the Inquisitors hand, kissing it gently.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2016 ⏰

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