Chapter 1- Mr. Baggins

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Erin arrived to the Shire just in time to catch Gandalf making his way to the only house on top of a hill.

"Gandalf!" She called from behind.

"Ah Erin, my dear! Come, I'm just going to talk to another member of the company, which I will explain to you after I'm done with Mr. Baggins."

She jogged and caught up with him. "Baggins? Sounds familiar."

The old wizard chuckled, "That is because I have mentioned him before. But you never seem to listen."

Erin was quiet as they arrived to the hobbit's home. He was outside smoking a pipe. He blew a ring in which Gandalf turned into a butterfly that flew on the hobbit's face.

He sputtered a little then opened his closed eyes.

Mr. Baggins looked at Erin, then at the wizard, "Good Morning."

"What do you mean? Do you mean to wish me a good morning or do you mean it is a good morning wether I want it or not? Or perhaps you mean to say that you feel good on this particular morning. Or are you simply stating that this is a morning to be good on?"

She smiled at the wizards way with words and how the hobbit replied, "All of them at once I suppose."

Gandalf frowned a bit at his response, thinking for a brief moment as he stared at the little man. "Can I help you?"

"That remains to be seen," he mumbled. "I'm looking for someone to share in an adventure."

The hobbit looked surprised then angry, "An adventure? Now I don't imagine anyone west of Bree, would have much interest in adventures."

"Nasty, disturbing, uncomfortable thing," Baggins mumbled as he got up and grabbed the post from his box. "Make you late for dinner." He put the pipe back in his mouth and surveyed his letters. He puffed a few times, "Mmm hmm, Good Morning."

Erin looked at the hobbit curiously and gave Gandalf a short glance. Wondering what the wizard was up too.

"You think that I should of lived to be 'Good Morning' by Belladonna Took's son? As if I were selling buttons at the door."

He turned around looking confused, "Beg your pardon?"

The wizard shook his head, "You've changed and not entirely for the better, Bilbo Baggins."

"I'm sorry do I know you?"

"You know my name, although you don't remember I belong to it. I'm Gandalf! And Gandalf means" He paused, trying to think of something but couldn't. Erin chuckled behind him, and he just ignored it.

"Not Gandalf the Wondering Wizard who made such excellent fireworks!" Bilbo said as he pointed at him, "Old Took used to have them on Mid Summer's Eve. Haha!" He laughed.

"No idea you were still in business."

Gandalf's looked hardened, "And were else should I be?"

"Eh um," Baggins puffed more of his pipe.

"Well I'm pleased to find you remember something about me. Even if it is only my fireworks," he thought for a quick moment then nodded his head. "Well that's decided. It'll be very good for you and most amusing for me. I shall inform the others."

The hobbit scowled, "Inform the others? What, no. No. No. Wait, we do not want ANY adventures here, Thank You. Not today." He shook his head, "I suggest you try over the hill or across the water." Baggins made his way to the door, "Good Morning," he said and quickly went inside.

The wizard started making a mark on the door. "Gandalf?" Erin questioned.

"It's quite alright. Just so the others know where to go," he peeked into the home. "Alright, come along. I have much to discuss with you."

Erin nodded in response. "Indeed." And they took off.

"So you want me, to come along with you, and take back their homeland?" Erin said pointing to herself and then at Gandalf.

"And I see why not. It's not like you have anything better to do."

He has a point, she didn't. Gandalf was one of the only few she could really call a friend besides Lord Elrond and the Lady Galadriel. Ever since she was banished to their world, Gandalf has helped her and it only seemed fair to come along on this journey.

She nodded her head, "Alright, only because I owe you. That's why you're making me tag along, because I owe you?"

The wizard just chuckled, "Why don't you head on back to Master Baggins. Goodness knows those dwarves are probably causing him trouble. I bet it's quite amusing too."

"Hmm hmm, alright, but I expect to see you later. Oh and if I know Thorin Oakenshield correctly, he doesn't take to fond of women fighting. I'd like to keep my gender secret. If that's alright. Also I don't think they will leave the questions be when they see my face."

"That is perfectly fine if you really wish to do so. Anything else my dear?" Gandalf leaned towards Erin expectantly.

She thought for a moment, "Call me Edrin instead of Erin. And if you must you can use the term of man in my direction."

The old wizard laughed, "Just so. Now off with you. I must seek out and escort the rest of the company."

"The rest? What do you mean?"

"Well, Edrin," he teased, "Four of them should already be there. The rest are waiting for my guidance."

"Alright, I'm off then. See you there Gandalf!" She smiled sweetly, pulling the hood of her cloak back around her face.

If only the Angels knew what she just got her self into!

---OMG! So this is going to DEFIANTLY be my first OFFICIAL fan fiction! I hope you guys enjoyed this little bit and I hope I can get some positive criticism back. Have any questions just ask and I'll answer them, if I can, without spoiling anything! Thanks for reading! Oh and I'm going to try and stick mostly to the first movie for the first few chapters, or maybe this whole book and then maybe I could make three? Oooooh idrk, WHAT DO YOU THINK?

Question for this chapter<There is wording in there that gave you some foreshadowing/hints, did you find them?>

Also: You probably already guessed but Ima say this anyway; her cloak covers her outfit and everything so they do not know she is a woman. Thank you..


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