Suga shook his head. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Just go already! Tell me what's going on later."

This time, Moniwa's frown turned into a smile. His eyebrows were still furrowed, but nonetheless, it was a nice, fond look on his face. He quickly grabbed his stuff and exits the restaurant. "Don't get drunk on sake//!"

Suga ponders if he ordered sake in the first place.


Suga orders another bottle of sake. Wait, how many bottles has he drank? Not that it matters. He doesn't consider himself a lightweight.

He remembers using sake as substitute for water. Why did he do that again? He doesn't know.

He feels so groggy that he could sleep right then and there. His tongue feels so heavy against his mouth, and his throat feels like it's on fire. Sugawara poured himself another shot.

Then he remembers about the salty ramen. No ramen has ever tasted so salty in his life. He could complain about it, but he chose not to. He didn't want to offend the cook. Oh, how kind can he get?

A gush of wind passed by and the seat next to him squeaks. Huh, didn't Moniwa—

"Yo, Karasuno's vice-captain!" The voice greeted, poking his cheek. "You're drooling quite a bit right now."

Suga's eyes snapped open, his mouth snapped closed. He wipes his drool from his lips using his sleeves and later regrets what he's done. That was so unsanitary.

He was drooling yet his throat felt so dry...

Hold on a sec. So, the whole sake thing was a dream? Was he dreaming this whole time, what the hell?

Suga forgot all about the ramen in front of him. Aw damn, it's not even steaming hot anymore...

"Ehem," The voice who greeted him a while ago spoke again.

Wha—"Captain Neko!" Suga squints. Why is he here? "Why are you here?"

Kuroo looks offended, his hand raised on his chest. "Am I not allowed in here?"

Sugawara shakes his head, "Uhm, wait, no! I didn't mean the shaking head part—I mean, like! Aren't you supposed to be in Tokyo?"

"Pfft, you're so cute when you're flustered!" Kuroo comments, and Suga gave him his best innocent glare. Kuroo laughs. "The company I work at built another one of their branch here, so I'll be the one managing that."

Suga gapes. "That's impressive! Let's celebrate with some alcohol." Suga calls for two bottles of sake.

Kuroo follows with his other order of ramen. "Hahah, thanks, man. So, what's up? How's life?"

Suga took a mouthful of noodles before answering Kuroo. "Oh, you know, it's almost midterms and everyone in my class are cramming their asses of to get their projects done, making me cram with my studies, too. It's so damn hard to be a teacher sometimes."

This time, Kuroo gapes momentarily. "A teacher? That's so like you."

Suga chuckles, his hand covering his mouth. "What, because I'm charming and, oh, so loving, teacher-material?"

"That's a bonus, yeah," Kuroo smirks, shamelessly flirting now. "But I know that you're one of the biggest support on your former volleyball team, hence being the vice-captain. Even though you're not on the first line-ups, I can tell why you're chosen for the title.

You're good at supporting your juniors. I'm pretty sure it's the same even though your students are, like, twenty years younger than you."

"Oh? And why did it seem like I'm a pre-school teacher?" Suga snaps back, hiding his embarrassed blush using his confident attitude.

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