The Murderer And The Gemstone

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So They Finished Watching Dragon Ball Z And Super So They got bored and everyone decided it was time to go home but Abdullah (Me) his mum was still not home so they wondered about that.

Suddenly Creaking Noises Started like there was some one else in the house
And then They Saw a man he had a mask AND A CHAINSAW WITH BLOOD ON IT They all ran and ran underground and overground but then they went underground again and saw A PORTAL!!!.

They went through it and There was something on a special table that was glowing SO MUCH They couldn't see but when the glow went away they saw a really awesome Red Stone
(It's a magic stone) So I crafted a sword and a trap with it (The Stone Is
Massive) so they decided to fight back so they did the murderer caught up
And they fought back me with a sword and the murderer with a chainsaw We fought and fought I came up with a plan to trap him so we ran and ran we got far away so we set up the trap And he caught up YES WE GOT HIM i Said And we called the police the police arrived took everything dangerous and Took him to prison we went back to my house
And my mom was the YAYY and we told her the story and lived a happy life

This is a long one sorry

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