Chapter 1: He's Back With Calypso

Start from the beginning

You tried your best to feel happy for Leo. You found out that his girlfriend's name was Calypso. Your siblings told you she was really mean.

You wanted to be happy for Leo since he was your best friend. In love, you want the other person to feel happy. That's what true love is.

You didn't understand how Leo could love someone that bullies other campers. She even picked on little Harley.

Aisley was a daughter of Hephaestus and told you that Harley has told Leo what Calypso did to him, but Leo never believed it.

She also told you that Leo keeps bugging her about you. She tells you that she replies to Leo with silence. Leo keeps pestering Aisley because she's the only one you actually talk to.

Since you were a realist, you decided to except the pain. You excepted the pain and heartbreak that will forever be with you.

You told Aisley that you will try your best to make it through the pain. She reassures you with comforting words.

If what makes Leo happy was a selfish witch named Calypso, then you were happy that Leo was happy, even though deep down inside, you were broken.

The Aphrodite Cabin was hosting a small dance party. You didn't want to go, but Piper got you out of your cabin.

It wasn't a fancy party, so you dressed in leggings and an oversized shirt. You put your hair in a messy bun and grabbed your phone.

You sighed before opening your cabin door to walk outside. You haven't been outside for a month.

Some campers looked at you worriedly because you were paler and a lot thinner.

You didn't care though because this was all caused by your own thoughts and heart because you had to fall in love with Leo.

You made it to the dining pavilion, where the party would be held. Campers moved the benches to the side to create a dance floor.

Right when you looked at the people dancing, you saw the couple you did not want to see.

Leo and Calypso.

They were dancing and you shifted uncomfortably when Leo locked eyes with you.

You saw him mumble something to Calypso before walking to your small body. He looked at you concerned.

You ran away from Leo. You couldn't bear to see or speak to Leo after he left and abandoned you.

You ran into the forest and sat under a tree. You cried as you stared at your phone.

You decided to text Aisley to come help you because you were feeling extremely depressed and needed to be comforted.

Aisley replied that she would be on her way. She came in less than thirty seconds.

You cried on her shoulder while she rubbed your back. You used to be all Leo cared about, but now Calypso was his shade of gold.

Aisley walked you back to your cabin to make sure you got back safely. Percy staying the night in the Zeus cabin with Jason to give you space.

You still keep trying to feel happy for Leo, but it's getting harder and harder as each day goes by.

You kept telling yourself that you will except the pain. You still don't understand, but you try your best to see from Leo's point of view.

You keep telling yourself that you will make it through. You will and so will your heart, but the pain has intensified to drastic measures.

You decided that you couldn't take it anymore. Your depression got the best of you and there was only one way to cure pain.


You liked the idea of being in peace in the Underworld. You decided that you would choose rebirth and forget everything.

You took out a piece of paper and addressed the letter to Leo. You couldn't believe you were going to go through with this.

To Leo,
I did this because I know nobody will miss me when I'm gone. Accept the fact that I did this because I know you don't care anyways. I excepted the fact that you love Calypso, even though I love you. I can't take the pain and heartbreak anymore. If you're happy with Calypso, then you would feel better if I wasn't here. I'm happy for you that you're happy, even though I was dying inside everyday.

Aisley- I'm sorry you have to deal with this. I just can't do life anymore. It has brought to many obstacles that I can't complete. Thank you for always being there for me and I love you. Thank you for being the best best friend ever.

Percy- I'm sorry that you won't have a sister in the world anymore. I'm going to choose rebirth, so maybe I'll come again as a new person.

Chiron- You are the best fatherly figure anybody could ask for. I'm sorry that you have to go through another death, but I'll be in peace now. I'll be happy now. I love you. Please notify my mom and tell her that I love her.

Everyone- In case you haven't gotten what this was, this is my suicide note. I hope you find this and I'm sorry for caring too much about people, which caused all this pain.

Xoxo, (Y/N)

You let your tears fall on your suicide note. You hope Aisley finds the note because she was the one who cared about you the most.

You walked to the bathroom and opened the cabinet to see a bottle of pain killers.

You filled a cup with water and took all the pills in the bottle to ease the pain of what you were about to do.

You walked back to your bed and pulled out the dagger you always kept under there.

You held the dagger in front of your heart and broke down into tears. You were ready to feel better.

"I'm sorry..." You whispered.

You took in a deep breath and said your final words.

"Goodbye world..."

And with that, you drove the dagger through your heart.

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