Then, they played Miss A Factor. When the winner was announced, and all of them were panting, the children played with Alisa's toys whilst the parents and Alvin got the table ready. The delicious cake and party food was revealed in seconds. ... And... finished in less. After playing just a bit more, they took their party bags and waved goodbye to Alisa. Tapping on her phone, her eyes were drawn to her teddy. Did... Did it just? ... No, of course not.

She was left alone in the living room. It was not quiet though. Mumbles. Walking around, Alisa could hear it clearer.

"Yep. Look. My ravishingly soft, fluffy fur."

Fluffy fur? The teddy bear... was POSING?

Alisa crept up to it, "You can talk? Amazing!"

"Oh eh? You can't tell anyone, please. They'd stuff us out and put us in the Whashy Wheel and shove us in the hound to use as .... as.... as chew chew toys!!!" Screamed the bear, not very helpful to Alisa but she could just make out what she said.

"Ok, ok. Calm down." Whispered Alisa.

"Okay, I will. Hi, Alisa!" Smiled the bear.

"My name? How did you know?"

"Oh. I didn't. But I know now." Laughed the bear, her cheekiness rotting through.

Going to bed, Alisa remembered her party through her dream. Delightfully ending on the talk with Bear.

Chapter Three.

The next morning, Alisa was quite eager to name her bear. Unfortunately the bear didn't know either and the bear asked Alisa, but Alisa obviously didn't know.

"Well, what do you want it to begin with?" asked Alisa.

"Um.... S definitely S!"

Alisa wasn't very good at names, so she went to her mum for help, not giving away any clues.

"Mum said Selma, do you like it?"

"No way! So... icky." She mocked in disgust.

"What's your favourite sweet?"

"Sour Skittles, so sour. Yum!"

I did tell you Alisa's not good at names so when you hear her name, don't laugh.

"Let's call you Sour Skit!" Yeah. Told you.

Bear's Looks!

On Monday the 10th of August, Alisa went shopping with her brother Alvin and her mother. Alisa told her mother to buy PopJ's small t-shirt, 2 long dresses, 4 short's and blue trousers. There was a lady called Gabriel, who was waiting at the stall - chewing bubble gum, when Alisa's mother asked to buy the clothes. She grinned, looking confused. She looked at the babyish style of the clothes. Gabriel started an argument.

"Listen, Mrs.... Whatever your name is. Your daughter just can't wear this. She's what? 12 years old?"

In the middle of the argument, the manager just came in, questioning the mother. Whilst they were having a one off conversation, Gabriel got a Water & Fire Pistol for Alvin and a iKip laptop for Alisa. The manager refused greatly when the mother suggested she have Gabriel fired.

"Where did you get that from?" Shouted Alisa's mother, with a cold hard stare.

"From Gabriel. She likes us you know! And she said..... you're kinda crazy." giggled Alisa.

"Yeah, she likes us kids, she just doesn't want the parents to know."

"And they're for free!!!" They chorused.

Chapter Five.

Secret's been told.


When Alisa woke up that morning, she heard a loud sigh from Sour Skit. Being the kind as she is, she asked what's wrong.

"Just look at the calendar.. Today is Stop the Talking Day. When the proffs - I mean professionals - come into houses saying their looking for spiders when really they are looking for talking toys! When they find them, they send them to the dump. We have to tell your parents."

With no hesitation, Alisa agreed this must be the right thing to do. She told everyone at breakfast time. Alvin wasn't so sure. As the parents thought it was just a childish phase but kept zip and nod their heads.

"Alvin - remember - the time you saw something, a few days after my party, while you were playing? That was Sour's and my special and most whimsical magic! Look, I'll spread some on all of you. ... Ready, Sour!"

"Hi, Alisa's told me about you, my name is Sour Skit and.."

Whilst everyone listened, Alisa swept away the magic and signalled to Sour to stop talking. The family was shocked indeed but finally understood what Alisa was rambling on about.

Operation: Sour Skit stay!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2018 ⏰

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