One person was missing though...

''Don't cry darling.'' Luke's soft voice whispered.

I hadn't even noticed my tears. I quickly wiped them away and gave him a genuine smile.

''It's absolutely beautiful.''

''That's the only new picture of the whole family I could find...we haven't taken many group photos know.'' He said hesitating.

A dark cloud was rolling over this conversation. I could feel it so I quickly moved past it.

''Let get breakfast shall we? We can't let them burn down the kitchen.''

I poked his ribs a little to get him out of the bunk.

He smiled gently, knowing I didn't like where the conversation was going so he let it go.

Walking hand in hand on our way to the lazy room. Mackenzie on Luke's back.

It was sunny and warm and he birds was singing like they always do. The small noises of the stones hitting each other as we walked on them filled the air.

When we walked into the kitchen I was stunned that nothing was on fire. To say that the dad and the guys were bad at cooking was an understatement. They were horrible.

Dad and Zach was okay but Joey and Javier was a total mess and they have a habit of making dad and Zach confused while the cook too.

Without dad and Zach the whole place would have been on fire by now, it has happened before. I'm glad we have some firefighters as close friends.

The breakfast really wasn't that bad to be honest. The eggs were a little burned but it was all good.

Later on I drove home and got the bags and all the things for our week at the farm.

After I got everything in the car I drove of to the farm. The car ride was about 4 hours long. Blasting music all the way, singing my lungs out to every song that came on.

Almost 5 hours later, because of the damn traffic, I arrived at the farm.


''Happy birthday sweet cheeks.'' His voices whispered in my ear as he ruffled my perfectly curled hair.

''Angel!!!!!'' I slapped his hands away.

''Don't mess up my hair you idiot!'' I screamed and ran after him.

I could here him laughing as he ran away from me, damn his speed!

''Haha good luck catching up with me sweetie.'' his words echoed in the woods.

''Slow down and at least give me a chance to kill you!''

To my surprise he suddenly turned around and I ran straight into his arms. My mistake.

His arms locked around me, holding my arms down.

''Like you could kill me. You love me too much to kill me darling.''

''That's only half the truth baby. If you don't let me down I will kill you in your sleep.'' I whispered in his ear and I think I got him.

He sat me down on the ground again, still holding me in his arms. Looking into my eyes with extreme happiness.

''I got something for you.''

With one of his hands he reached down into his pocket and pulled out something that was hidden under his fingers.

''Before I give it to you you need to promise me that you'll never ever EVER take it off. It's a reminder of our friendship and love. And you will never forget me. So promise me darling. Promise me you'll never take it off.'' his voice was serious and so was his eyes. There was a sparkle in his eyes that almost, almost, hid the hesitation.

''I promise darling. I promise.'' I assured him.


Oohh those memories never fade...



Long times since last update, I know!

I know it's really boring but I hope you like it anyways!

Vote and comment!

I've been having the worse writers block ever but hopefully it will go away soon!

And sorry for misspellings!

Much Love / Tessy

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2014 ⏰

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