Laurens funeral

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Danis POV
It's time for Lauren's funeral. But it's just for the family. I will speak and then we will berry her. I don't know if I can do it but since Lauren asked I will. For my Sugar. We have all gotten ready. All of us girls are wearing black dresses with black heals and the boys are wearing black suits.
When we arrive we all sit down except me who stands in the front and starts to talk.
Dani: "When Lauren disappeared she left me a note. Which I will read to you. It said: 'Dear Spice. I want you to know that I never wanted to hurt anyone in my family but especially not you. You are my other half. I'm sorry that I will never get to see you grow up. I will never get to see you go to prom, get your drivers license, get married, have kids and more. But I want you to know that the decision I made was not easy. I need you to know how I died if you don't already. I took our dad's gun and I'm planing to shoot myself with it. Goodbye my love. I hope you live a long and happy life. Please don't do anything you will regret. Live a long and happy life for me since I didn't get the chance. Tell my sisters, brothers and parents that I love them. Goodbye Spice. I will never forget you. And remember that I'm watching you from heaven.' This is what Lauren wrote to me. Last week I would have said that you can't look down on me. Because I don't believe in God anymore. I was wrong. I was sad and mad. I hope you're looking right now Lauren. I love you and I will see you again. But it will be a while. Wait on me up there. And tell God hi from us all.
Lauren was a wonderful person. She bubbly but shy. She was stylish and she wasn't. Her voice was amazing. We all love you Lauren. You will forever be in our hearts. Thank you for the time we got. I will cherish it forever.
Thank you!"
I sit down with my family as I start to cry. After me a minister comes and talks about God and the afterlife in heaven. But I don't listen. Because I know Lauren is watching us right now. I can feel it.

What about Lauren?Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum