The Story Without a Plot

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This is a story with out a plot. I am a voice without a body. And here I am, introducing the first character of our little story here.


Clara is basically your normal teenager. Annoying, pompous, jealouse, and needy. All Clara wants is to be accepted by the crowd at school. But she is an outcast because she trys to hard. Sure, she's got her little group, but who wants to hang around a girl who is completely obsessed with herself, wears to much makeup, and trys to hard to fit in.


Clara loves to sing, dance, and is constantally dieting. Her favorite color is pink, she goes shopping every other day, with her best friend Anna. Clara listens to all the music that other people lisen to.

But she still doesnt fit it. Why not? Because she's trying to hard.

But when she meets Kyle... will that change anything?

Lets wait and see


Chapter one to The Story Without a Plot. Really guys, this story is gonna have NO plot what so ever. So if youre planning on reading a story by Cas with rhythm and rhyme, just give up now.


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