"How?" Bonnie asked.

"They're all connected, because when I hurt Will, none of The Six would get up to attack since they were weak as well. If we kill Will, then The Six will die. And I know just how to do it."


Only a couple more chapter left of this story plus the epilogue! I love how this two book series developed and I'm sad to see an ending come. I'm also sorry for the long ass wait for this update, I started school this past week and I have a lot of homework. ALSO HELP ME TO 1K!!! But make sure to vote and comment and see the character ask below!

                                                                     CHARACTER ASK ANSWERS 


-amber why did you hand yourself over to will?
i needed to protect the ones i loved. their lives before mine

-do you think will might still have a sliver of goodness left like your father did?
will recruited the most powerful group of people ever; he's gone for good.

-what do you think klaus will do in the future that deserves that slap you gave him?

well if he ever doesn't listen to me or is caught feeding from another innocent girl. we're good right now, but he's klaus mikaelson; you don't know what he's going to do next


-would you save your family first or would you save amber first?
that one's really tough, but i would have to choose my family. i love amber dearly, don't get me wrong, but my family is everything to me

-will you ever forgive amber for handing herself to will?
i was angry at first when i found out, but then i put myself in her shoes and i know i probably would've done the same. so yes, i do forgive her

-amber or caroline
caroline's my past and she refused that she liked me for the longest time. with amber she accepted it, and that's why she's my forever and always.

-why are you so hot?
that's very kind of you, but i'm with amber. don't let her find out you said that about me. she can be very protective of me

-what's your opinions on amber?
she's a very lovely and bright person. although we had something little, it was good enough for me. part of me will always love amber, but i know i can't hang on to her forever


-do you have a thing for amber or elena
i will always love elena, but amber is showing me the good side of me. yeah elena did that, but i still wasn't the best part of me. i know i'll never get amber though because klaus would kill me; literally


-do you ship klaroline?

i used to, but klaus is with amber and he's happy now

Me, the author

-what gave you the idea to make this story series?
i actually had a dream about this haha! i've always loved klaus, but i didn't want to do a fan fiction in any of the two shows...so one night i got this dream and i developed it into a story :)

-will anyone die in the next few chapters?
no. i don't plan on killing anyone. maybe one, but you guys will be happy

-will klaus and amber have a steady relationship?

as of now, yes they will. they've been through so much and need a time to finally be happy together

-can will like disappear forever?

soon :)

thank you to everyone who asked on the character ask! it was fun to do and thank you for not letting it flop lol.

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