We Are Lucky

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The world today is fucked up, isn't it? It's really hard for me to believe how we went from a small settlement in Virginia who only thought about surviving to people wanting to abort their children, gay rights, black lives matter, obesity, furries, terrorism, wars, murders, rape, homelessness, famine, etc. I could add more; the list goes on and on, never seeming to end. Most people don't know how good they have life, and to be honest, none of us do. This makes me think about history, and if it changed. Would we still be where we are? What if we lost World War Two? We're damn lucky, that's for sure. We're lucky to have rights, to have freedom. We are lucky to have electronics, food on our plates, and the roof over our heads. We take advantage of it, every single bit. I'm not trying to say to praise everything we have, I'm trying to say that we are lucky, and need to know that. Although, some of us aren't lucky, becoming just another victim to the World; a cruel, unforgiving place where one step too large or too small in life could leave you on your back.

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