Their mouths meshed together, and her breathing soon turned ragged as his tongue slid over her bottom lip and into her mouth, twisting hers, drawing small gasps and broken whimpers from her lips, her hands sliding over his shoulders and gripping his shirt, pulling him closer. His hips pressed between her thighs, and the contrast in temperature only drove to highlight how wet and hot she was. She pressed herself against him, seeking friction, gasping at how sensitive she was down there, the lack of intimacy had wound her body tight and she doubted that she would be able to last long.

He growled, breaking their kiss and pressing their foreheads together. Their breaths mingled together, his cold forming steam against her hot. She arched her neck, pressing their mouths back together, it wasn't heavy, and all it contained was their lips, but that seemed to make it more intimate, the dance of mouths, his sliding perfectly over hers. She arched against him, and the action provoked him into pulling her away from the wall, and down on the bed. Her hair fanned out, and she gasped, his weight quickly moving over her, his hand sliding over her mouth to cover the noises she was making.

"You're fathers home." He breathed, his nose sliding over her cheek, under her chin and down her neck. "You're going to have to be quite for me, can you do that?" He stared down at her, and she had to bite back a whimper at how deep his voice had dropped, it was almost mocking, as if he were teasing her, yet she couldn't feel a shred of anger or irritation. She nodded, blinking up at him, and sighing as his hand slid away, sliding down her neck, and hooking on the neckline of her shirt.

The soft material quickly tore under the pressure, and she shivered as he pressed against her heated flesh, her back unconsciously arching closer. She could hear his intake of breath when he realized that she was bare, not having worn a bra to bed, the cool air caused goose flesh to rise over her skin, the peaks of her breasts hardened to small pebbles which he rolled between his finger, causing a crescendo of pain and pleasure. She bit her tongue to keep quite, whining in frustration as his hands spanned down her ribs, she laughed quietly as his skin tickled her, receiving a grin in return.

His lips whispered over her throat, his tongue flattening over her pulse, and she made the horrendous mistake of pushing her throat up. His teeth caught her skin, and she felt a harsh sting as her flesh tore. It felt like a razor cut, not too deep, but deep enough to draw blood.

She stared at him, his body freezing as his breathing stopped. "Emmett." She breathed, but he shook his head, keeping her quite. Her breath caught in her lungs and she waited in bated silence for his next move. The lump in his throat bobbed, and his hands curled in the sheets, his eyes turning dark.

"Bella." He panted, his chest rising heavily. She bit her lip, not finding any reason to fear, despite the apparent danger she was in. Her logic was, he was a hunter, so if she showed no fear, he wouldn't attack. She slowly brought her hand up, dipping her finger into the drop of blood, coating the digit till it was deep ruby. It wasn't a large wound, and not a lot of blood was coming out. His gaze was fixed upon her hand, and she was amazed he hadn't attacked yet.

"Does it hurt?" She whispered, her brow furrowed in concern, she didn't want to hurt him, and if it became too much, she would rather he left to save himself the hurt. He growled, the sound seeming more animal than man, but still shook his head, no. "It burns." He gritted out, pushing his face to the side, trying to avoid direct sight of her neck. "My throat, feel dry."

She smiled softly, and imagined how stupid she must seem, lying beneath a provoked vampire, blood on her neck, in direct line of attack, Jeez she was stupid, and the newspapers would have a field day if they could catch it. But there was something different about him, He hadn't killed her yet, he was still coherent, and that seemed to show that despite everything, he wasn't as monstrous as many may believe, there was still a shred of humanity.

She slowly lifted her finger, and hesitantly run it over his bottom lip, staining the plump skin ruby red. A small bead of blood ran over the curve of flesh, and dripped along his chin, till it finally gave into gravity and fell to her chest, forming a tiny pool on her right breast. The bed creaked beneath their weight, but all else was deathly silent. The material of the sheets scratched against her back as it stretched beneath her, his hands tightening into fists beside her head.

She shivered as the muscles over his arms and stomach shuddered and twitched, brushing against her breasts. She could feel the contained power he held in his body, and shuddered to think of how much damage he could cause with his hands, then the thought led to all the other things he could do, and she fought to bring herself back to reality. She half expected him to pull an Edward, to jump back and tell her how irresponsible she was, to threaten to leave. But he didn't. A growl ripped from his chest, and she stared up at him, reminded of a wolf crouching over a rabbit. Absorbed, she watched as his tongue peeked out from between his lips, running across the stained flesh, gathering the blood she had spread there. Running slowly over his bottom lip. She could feel him shaking as his body took in the sweet taste but still fought to stay in control. His once amber eyes turned black, swallowing all of the once normal, honey colored irises into a shadow. For the first time, he looked more animal than man, his body wound tight, the material around her shredding into small pieces of cloth and silk. It would be difficult to explain to Charlie why she had to purchase a whole new set of bedding for her room.

"Taste Emmett." She offered, baring her neck, her eyes soft and doe-like when she stared at him. And she looked so innocent offering herself to him like that. And the right thing to do would be to remind her of what he was, to warn her, but he knew that Bella had heard all that, she didn't want another Edward, she had a father. He closed his eyes, drawing in a deep breath and preparing himself for the amount of pain he was about to put his mind through, all so he could prove that she could trust him.

He bent his head, her scent growing stronger the closer he got, his mouth salivating with venom as her smell grew more and more delectable the closer he got to the source of her essence. He licked around the wound slowly, cleaning up the blood which dribbled from the wound, moaning at how warm and sweet she tasted. She groaned in response, but kept herself still, not wanting to push him too far and hissed when he dragged his tongue over the cut, feeling the dull sting, then the burn as excess venom gathered over the wound, but didn't enter her blood stream.

"Emmett..." She breathed, her feet pressing against the small of his back, their pelvises sliding together. "Emmett please." She begged. He pressed her into the mattress, the structure of the bed groaning under their weight. His forehead pressed against hers, and she watched him carefully, not knowing what to do. He leaned down and caught her lips, drawing her back up, while his hand reached down and tore the straps of her panties, the useless garment falling to the bed, leaving her vulnerably bare and open for him.

"Thank you Bella." He growled, breaking the kiss and rubbing his nose down her cheek, inhaling. She smiled softly, amazed he was able to control his thrust. "It's a good thing I'm not your singer, or else this would've ended differently. " He chuckled, nodding, his pelvis rubbing the skin under her stomach, her gut twisting as she tried to press herself up against him.

"Why did you risk it?" He breathed, confused as to why she would risk being put in that amount of danger. She leaned back to look at him, smiling. "I wanted to give you something that he would never have, something you hadn't gotten yet." His eyes softened, still unbearably dark and limitless, but he posed no threat. A steady vibrating thrum emanated from his chest, and she was amazed to find it reminded her of a cat's purr.

Apparently her words were enough for him, because he stole away any oncoming conversation by kissing her, his hands curving over her hip and pulling her crotch up against his naked flesh. She couldn't remember his clothes being removed, but the bare slide of cold against hot made it obvious that he was just as naked as her. She whined, gasping as his body fit easily between her legs, sliding along her soaked cleft.

She brought her hand up to his hair and grabbed mercilessly, tugging as she tried to press him inside, aching to feel the fullness he could give her. "Emmett please." She choked out, breathless, he rocked his hip, not enough to enter. But enough to slide and catch her clit. Her teeth impaling her lip as she held back a moan. He growled, cold air brushing over her cheek as he panted by her ear.

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