Chapter 1: Escape

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Dedicated to RissaFelice for being my first follower and helping this little writer spread her wings :)


Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned (idiom): Nothing is as unpleasant as a woman offended, or have her love rejected

“Princess! What are you doing?” Oria exclaimed as she entered my chamber.

I rolled my eyes at my most trusted handmaiden. “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m packing up so I can leave this horrible place and get away from Father!” I huffed in annoyance as I recalled his words.

Oria blanched. “Bu-but you can’t leave! The Master would have my head if you did!” she protested.

“Well then, just come along with me and you’ll be safe, right?” I suggested.


“No more buts, Oria. Go and pack!” I cut in, pushing Oria towards the door amidst her protest. Shutting the door after Oria was out, I heaved a sigh of relief.

“It’s not like I want to leave either Oria, but Father has left me with no choice…” I muttered, leaning against the door.

“Right, no point worrying about it! I’ve got to get out of here soon!” I said aloud, trying to assuage my fears, even though I knew there was no way I could escape Father forever. But I wasn’t going to run from him for eternity, just long enough to make my point. Father would understand… I hoped.

Shoving the last of the clothes I planned to take with me into my suitcase that Akaden had brought back during one of his trips, I stealthily left my room, keeping to the shadows - not that the palace was lit brightly, a fact I was secretly grateful for.

The trip to the nearest side gate was excruciatingly long, though, since I had no choice but to creep slowly. The corridors had an echoing quality to them, and I would make too much noise if I ran, instead ending up alerting the entire palace to my escape plan. No, I had to be quiet and that meant I had to be slow. After what seemed like hours, I sagged against the wall next to the gate in relief, glad that I was not detected by anyone.


I squeaked and jumped ten foot into the air. Was I caught?! Images of Father meting out punishment, sentencing me to all sorts of unspeakable torture floated into my mind. I shuddered at those thoughts. I just hoped that Father wouldn’t take away my bubble bath privileges. Hey, a girl can’t live without bubble bath! Well, at least this girl can’t.

“Psst! Princess Kelafiel!” The voice came again, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I forced myself to calm down, telling myself that I was the Princess after all. What was one little tattletale? Drawing myself up to my full height, I said in a confident tone, “Who is it?”

A figure stepped out from the shadows. “Oria?” I said, surprised.

“Princess, were you about to leave without me?” Oria accused, her face scrunched up the way it always did when she was upset.

“You were against me leaving,” I reminded her.

“But still, you’re my mistress! There’s no way I’ll let you leave without me accompanying you!” Oria said. “Wherever you go, I’ll always follow, Princess.”

I smiled at this display of loyalty. Truth be told, I was happy that Oria wanted to leave with me. However, there was no way I would let my dearest friend be punished as well, when we returned. “As much as I would like for you to go with me, I won’t risk you getting punished with me, Oria. Just stay here and pretend you didn’t see me leave,” I instructed.

Oria lifted her chin in defiance. “You aren’t the only one who can be stubborn, Princess. If you leave without me, I’ll scream so loud that all the guards will come running and drag you back to your chambers,” she retorted.

My eyes widened at what she said. No way am I going to be back at the palace without escaping successfully! Sighing, I raised my hands in defeat, knowing that time was precious and I wasn’t about to waste time arguing with Oria. “Fine, you can come with me. But what about your belongings? Don’t you have to go pack first?”

Oria smirked, lifting up a satchel. “You aren’t getting rid of me that easily, Princess. I took the time to pack after you chased me out of your room. I’m ready to go.”

She saw through me… I thought. Beckoning to Oria, I turned and unlocked the gate. The darkness beyond the gate was frightening and had an ominous feel to them, but I had come too far to give up now. I took a deep breath, looking at the handmaiden who stood a step behind me.

"Did you bring a cape?" I asked Oria.

"Of course I did," she replied, and we put on our capes, pulling the hoods down to cover our features.

“Let’s go,” I said simply and Oria nodded. Together, we left the palace without a second glance.

Author's Note: sorry this is starting off slowly - things will get faster in a couple more chapters :) vote and comment (or is it vomment? :] ) appreciated!

Hell Hath No Fury Like the Devil's Daughter Scorned [NaNoWriMo 2013]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ