Dan's Diss Track

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Phil's giggle sounded from the door of Dans bed. Dan swiveled around, face immediately bright red.
"How long have you been standing there?!" Dan asks, embarrassed and considers chucking a pillow at Phil.
"You've been mumbling that line over and over. It's adorable." Phil says. He walks over to dans bed and plops himself down next to his still red cheeked boyfriend.
"I can't get this one line to rhyme. I need this diss track to be perfect."
Phil reaches out and turns Dans MacBook towards himself so he can read the half done rap.
Phil's eyes skim over the insults that are neatly put in a rhyming song form.
"Some of these are a bit harsh. You know that you're not half this bad, right?" Phil eyes light up with concern. He didn't want Dan to be too hard on himself. Dan had a tendency to do that.
Dan reaches out and closes the MacBook. A slight frown plays at his lips as he turns and faces Phil.
"I don't know. Feels pretty accurate to me. Do you think it's not joke-y enough?"
"Dan. You're perfect to me. Always have been. Always will be. Just don't let  this challenge thing put you in a bad mood. It fine if it's for jokes and all that, but don't let it affect you."
Dan reaches over and pecks Phil affectionately on the forehead. His eyes twinkle with gratitude for his loving boyfriend.
"Thanks, Phil. I needed that."
With a knowing smirk, Phil got up off the bed.
"What would you do without me?" Phil says, about to leave the room. "And by the way, you better include me somewhere in that video!"
"Of course, my little Philly!" Dan was the one smirking now. "How do you feel about wearing a flower crown and winking for me?"
With one last adorable giggle, Phil left Dan to the rest of his work.

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