Carly's POV

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It's 10:30pm, Thursday, November 23rd 2017. It's been 5 years since I left Seattle. As I'm hopping into bed, my father brings me an envelope. He then says "you deserve it for staying with me for these past 5 years. When you could have left 3 years ago." I reply "Thank you!" As I open the envelope. I see there's a plane ticket that's scheduled to take off at 5am or in 6 hours to Seattle, Washington. "I want you to go back to Seattle to be with your brother! You've spent more than enough time here and I think it's time you finally go home." Says my father. I look him in the eye and say "A-are you sure you want me to go? I can stay if you want!" "Carly, you've spent more than enough time here, I talked to your brother, he'll be at the airport at 11:30am to pick you up!" "Oh. Alright I'll go! Thank you so much dad! It's been a pleasure staying with you in Italy!" "I enjoyed our company! Please get some sleep! You need to be rested for you busy day tomorrow!" "All right! Goodnight dad!" "Night Carly," After he leaves it's 10:57 and I decide to call my best friend Freddie to let him know the amazing news. It's probably around 2pm is Seattle. I dial his number, but it's left with his voicemail. "Hey Freddie, it's Carly, Carly Shay, I'm catching a flight at 5am or in 6 hours to Seattle tomorrow morning. I am hoping your in town and we can maybe grab a bite to eat. Alright I gotta go. I'll hopefully see you tomorrow afternoon. Bye," I then hang up, turn off my lights and try to fall asleep.

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