Chapter Three: Sean

Start from the beginning

"Sean! Scott! How are you guys doing?" I jerked my head to the side and frowned at who I saw.

"Grace. Its nice to see you." She bit her lower lip and winked at Scott before giving me a seductive look. "I'll be over there, nice seeing you again, Grace." I would definitely be getting him back for leaving me alone with her the next time I saw him. As soon as I felt her occupy Scott's seat, I turned to leave.

She hurriedly placed a manicured hand on my shoulder. "Oh, don't leave now. I just wanted to catch up, how have you been?" Grace had been a girlfriend of mine a couple of years back. She was good at a lot of things except for understanding the word no. She was ready for marriage and I wasn't. Well, I was, but just not to her. "Bartender," I heard say, "can I get another two shots."

I raised my hand and shook my head. "Believe me when I say that I have had plenty." When I didn't hear a reply I turned towards her and saw that she was on the verge of crying. "Oh come on, Grace, don't cry."

"But you won't even have a drink with me. That's all I want. A drink." She sighed and shifted back in her seat. Another thing this girl was good at: taking me on a guilt trip and making me feel horrible.

"Fine," I said, giving in, "one drink."

One drink turned had turned into two and two drinks had turned into an amount that I'm not even sure I remembered. I stood up finally for the first time in 2 hours and felt and overwhelming wave hit me as I stumbled back. I tried to search around the room and my gaze locked with Nessa's before I approached her.

Everything else about that night was a blur. I can't even recollect one moment that happened after I stood away from the minibar.

I woke up the next day with a roaring headache. It was like a heavy drum had been placed in my head. I blinked a couple of times to try and see where I am and I pause.

This wasn't my hotel suite.

I didn't remember my suite looking like this and having sheets that felt like silk. I blinked a couple more times and I frowned. I knew where I was. I was in Vanessa and Mike's guest bedroom of their house. How the hell had I gotten here?

I swung my legs around and got up, groaning at the pain in my head. Note To Self: Never drink as much as I did last night again.

When I walked out into the hallway I was met with an orgasmic aroma. I knew it only meant one thing. Nessa had cooked my favourite breakfast so I walked a little faster and suddenly stopped. Even with a messy bun, short shorts and Mikes old basketball jersey, she still looked as if she could grace the cover of any magazine. I was about to make my presence known when I heard her humming. Her voice was truly something else. So sweet, so soulful, so... Amazing. 'Ooh, LA, proved too much for the man...' I stayed still as I watched her move around the kitchen gracefully. She hardly made a sound.

"Leaving!" I decided to join in once she got to the chorus, walking in fully and ignoring the sharp pain in my head. She looked over at me and grinned but didn't stop moving or singing.

"On that midnight train to Georgia."

"Leaving on that midnight train to Georgia," I sang in a baritone voice.

"Woo-woo!" We both added, laughing at the end. "Nice of you to finally join the world again, sleepy head." She quipped, beating some eggs in the bowl. "Mike made you some coffee to help your hangover." Once I poured myself some, I silently thanked Michael, the brother always knew just what to do.

"Where is he, anyway? I mean, shouldn't y'all be getting ready to go to the airport for your honeymoon?" I asked, setting the cup down and watching the sad expression that took over her face.

"He got called into work so we have to postpone the honeymoon."

I shrugged and took another sip. "Can't say I'm sorry to hear that." The look she gave me didn't make me back off. We stood there for a while, just staring at each other.

"Sean..." She warned.

"Nessa..." I replied, in the same tone of voice as her. She just shook her head frustratedly and continued to beat the eggs a little harder this time. "You know, I never got a reply yesterday."

"I was kinda cut off."

"Well then what were you gonna say?"

"I was gonna ask you why the hell you were telling me that now? I just got married and then you confess that you love me? You're lucky I didn't slap you." I felt bad for the eggs in that bowl. "I mean how do I know that you weren't just kidding?"

"Because I really do love you."

She shook her head adamantly. "No you don't."

"Yes I do. I almost told you one time before actually." She jerked her head up and looked at me in confusion. "The second time you and Mike broke up, you ran to my house crying and what did I tell you? I told you that I'd always be there for you when you needed me."

"That's not the same as saying 'I love you'. Every best friend is there for each other. Now can we move away from this situation... Please?" I rolled my eyes but still nodded.

"May I ask how did I end up at your place?" I asked wondering why she suddenly began laughing. "What happened last night?"

"You ruined the reception party!" Well then why the hell was she laughing.

"I did what?" I rubbed a face over my hand. "What did I do?"

Vanessa began to walk away and I followed her into her and Mike's bedroom. "I think its better if I just showed you."

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