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May be graphic to some!!

Aryana's POV
    Hey you guys I'm Aryana Stevenson I am 18  I'm about 5'4 I am a bronzed Carmel skin tone I'm Egyptian, White and Jamaican so I had a Jamaican accent it wasn't too heavy or too light I had long black hair and brown eyes and I moved out at 17 due to abuse. I moved in with a friend and I currently work at hooters. It's been great so far I'm loving life. Anyways let's take a look at my past.

        I walk in the house 20 minutes past my curfew and I see my dad sitting in the living room staring at me he was PISSED.

"Where the fuck have you been its past your fucking curfew" He yells walking up towards me.

"I-It's only been 20 M-minutes" I say stuttering my words from fear.

He slaps me across the face and starts beating on me. I cry for help from my mom but she sits there un phased not caring 'she doesn't love you' 'your parents don't care about you' 'you're nothing you should die' these voices in my head kept on going 'no one loves you' 'you're such a fuck up' 'you're a whore' 'you're a ugly bitch' these voices wouldn't go away.

"You're not our fucking child you're just our fucking problem we never wanted you you were a mistake" My dad shouted

"I should have aborted you" My mom says calmly after she slaps me.

I walk to my room in tears 'I'm not wanted I'll just leave' I think to myself. I start packing my clothes as my parents walk in.

"Honey where are you going" They say in a sad tone.

"I'm leaving I hate y'all I hate y'all so much" I say with hot tears running down my cheeks.

"Honey we love you" they say trying to hug me "we are sorry please don't do this"

"Leave me the fuck alone you guys hate me" I say walking out the house.

   No where to go no where to stay I walk to an ally and sit there drowning in tears. I started taking pills trying to die I ended up passing out. I woke up in a hospital bed with my Best friend Desiree by my side. I smiled

3 months later

I am currently living with Desiree and her family. I am back healthy and recovered and happy I have been working a hooters with Desiree for 2 months we plan on moving out to get our own apartments. 

   One day I walk into work and Leah one of the co workers was talking shit I walked up to her

"Bitch say it to my face" I yell at her as all the customers look at us.

"Girl if you don't get yo ugly unwanted ass out my face" she says putting her hand in my face.

Disrespectful bitch. I look at her and I throw a punch ripping her ear ring out of her ear as I continue to punch her. Desiree stopped me and of course I got fired before I left I walked up to Leah.

"That'll teach yo ass not to talk shit" I spat in her face

Me and Desiree went home

"BITCCCCHHHH YOU BEAT HER ASS" she said laughing harder then ever.

"Yes hoe I did but I got fired" I say laughing

"You'll find a better job" Desiree says "I got two" she adds "I work at hooters in the day and I strip at night"

Hmmmm I guess she's right

"Desi imma go take a walk I'll be back later" I walk downstairs "Hey Mr and Mrs Crayton I'll be back in a few is that ok" they smile and nod yes

I walk to the park and I sit. My mind starts racing from what Leah had said 'ugly unwanted ass' I sat there thinking of the past and I cried until a man approached me.

"FUCK" I say wiping my face.

"Are you okay" he says

"No not at all" I say sighing "just thinking plus I lost my job"

"Rough times huh? And I can help you with the job part give me a call you look like the perfect model" he say smiling and walking off.

I run home and tell Des what happened she was happy for me after that we ate and fell asleep.

I hope you guys enjoyed I know this is kind of graphic Sincerely, Brie

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