Diary of a survivor

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The diary of a survivor

The carecters in this are based off friends of mine from grade 7

Chapter 1 the first day

Scarlet sat by the woods with Garrett they were holding hands which is normal considering that they're a couple but that's not the point. Where was I, oh yea, so scarlet and Garrett were siting there talking when scarlet herd something. She turned and saw a boy limping through the forest towards them, it was Damian and he was holding an axe. "Hey Damian what's up?" Garrett called and as he did Damian hurled the axe at them and it imbedded itself in Scarlett's head. Garrett stood staring in horror as she fell to the ground convulsing and bleeding all over the ground as a group of kids came running to see what happened. As they got close Garrett could make out Bennett,Claudia,Taylor.h and taylor.m. Just as they arrived scarlet stood up to they're amazement took the axe out of her head and smashed in Bennett skull spaying brain matter and blood onto everyone, she then proceeded to kill the others in ways to vile to describe all of with including lots of blood and and entrails splattering every were. Damian laughed insanely as the rest of the undead teens stood up with blood pouring from their wounds As i watched in horror from the baseball diamond i realized it was only the begging of what was sure to be a living hell.

Chapter 2 Meeting the group

It had been six years since the start of this hell and the line survivors that were held up in an abandoned school banned together swearing to end this at all costs. The members of this ragtag team of unlikely heroes were me Jared an all around average looking guy with dirty blind hair and blue eyes, Adam a extremely smart brunet with a nack for getting on the walkers nerve, Nate the only difference between him and Adam was that he was a blond,Garrett A muscular dark haired guy who had an obsession with large guns, Bronwyn an agile brunet girl good at sneaking around the halls of the old school, Olivia an amazing shot if I do say do my self and last but not least Sarah a blond who is one of sharpest people I've met so know that you've met me and my fellow survivors lets get back to the story shall we!

Chapter 3 Another one?

It was a Monday the sky was gray with clouds. Me, Garret and Bronwyn were out scouring the town looking for food when we found him! Tristan is a average sized boy with short brown hair and glasses. He was holding a double barrels shotgun aimed at our heads. "Who goes there?" He called unmoving from position in front of shoppers drugmart "Tristan, is that you?"I called to him "of corse it's me. are you blind!" He said walking up to use "we can see clearer than you half pint." Garret growled "I don't shot other people but for you ill make an exception." You could tell they had history and dispit his size Tristan could fend for himself it came to a fight. "So have you seen anyone else?" Bronwyn asked clearly trying to litten the mood "why don't you come back to camp for a while we could use a fresh face and a new sense of humour." "Yea sure I could hang for a while." And with that we were headed home.

Chapter 4 something quick

So before we continue I through I'd tell you how Tristan died if your young you should skip this chapter entirely it all started on a sunny day Tristan went to see Olivia and he tried to rape her and when I say tried I men completely failed all in all he got was a good kick in-between the legs and a shot in the head so that's what happened to Tristan and how he died now back to the story shall we.

Chapter 5

After Tristan was killed we all went back to our regular routine. But something strange was going to happen. It started that night it was my turn to watch ( and remember it had been six years of the stereo typical zombie but tonight the zombies started to run and they were headed in our direction so I did what any sane person would do in my situation, I yelled at the top of my lungs. "Rrrrruuuuuuuunnnnnnnnn!!!!!" Everyone jump up saw the zombies grabbed they're stuff and booked it to the Rona our secondary shelter. When we got they're the walkers were all over us we spent the whole night and lots of ammo fending them of but unfortunately they got Nate. It sucked. We all took turns boarding up windows working on a snipers roost for the roof and searching the store for supplies and giving other space to morn our fallen comrade . It was just an other day in paradise

Chapter 6

The next day we found his body it was so wrecked he couldn't even become a zombie.

After Adam build a cross out of 2x4s and Garrett wrote R.I.P Nate cross 2000-2019 in black letters we had a ceremony everyone gave a speech and said there finale good byes as we lowered him into his grave. It was a sad day for everyone.

After a few days we left. We got up and went off into the woods and never came back


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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2014 ⏰

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