My Sucky Life.

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Hiya yeah I didn't really edit it and it's most likely going to be shit. They are also really small chapters for now but oh well. Enjoy smol beans

Kylers  pov.

Feelings of severe despondency and dejection.
That was how I felt  I felt dejected. By my parents. Ever since I came out to them as trans they act like I don't even exist. They give me $50 a day that's it. That's so I can buy clothes and food, other than that they don't talk to me or look at me. I came out to them 2 years ago when I was 15. At first they just called me names and sometimes hit me but then they just stopped. Stopped talking to me looking at me. Pretty much being a parent. I have pale skin, black hair the went to the crook of my neck and I styled it over do it would be my bangs. Typical Emo haircut. I had thick rimmed square shaped glasses, I was really scrawny so I guess because I'm me, I'm an easy target. The only cool thing about me in that Kellin Quinn is my older brother. He moved out when he was 16 because of mom. He is gay so he was automatically un-loved. He was okay with that though. He was in a successful band and they got pretty big. He comes and sees me once a year during spring break. I stay with him at a hotel. It's pretty nice to get away from the house for a while. Well that's enough about me.

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