Storm Akia

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Hey guys this is just gunna be my imagination to let ya know about what would high school be like with a anime character I have stuck in my head and keep thinking about it so yea her name is Storm Akia. Don't judge on my weird names I give them don't worry I'm trying to find names that don't sound weird hahaha.... (I'm bad at names sorry) Plz try to imagine one of her eyes are a brighter yellow. I don't imagine some of it, be aware bad words.

Name: Storm Akia

Age: 14

Height: 5'1

Gender: Female

Personally: Storm is quiet, she listens to music a lot always having her headphones with her, she loves wolves, also owls.

Hobbies: Reading, writing, singing, and music.

Storm POV.

uuuugghh...... Another day of school and getting beat up. I hate school. To death..... I got to school in no time, I walked in and went to my locker, I saw a boy next to me, new kid? I just grab a book and ran also shutting the locker. Everyone thought I was a boy, I played the part well, just well. The school bell rang I walked in Math and sat down in the WAY back, but that kid sat next to me. I turned my music up.

"Storm please take your headphones off." The annoying teacher told me. I didn't because I can't do anything without music. Well I probably could but don't want to.

"No." I simply said.

"Yes!" He was getting louder as we argued, that's when he took my headphones and iPod. I sighed.

2 hours later

I then realized I have the wrong book.

"Teacher?" It sounded more like a question.


"I got the wrong book."

"Just stay class is almost ov-" He was cut off by the bell, in our next class we got to do whatever, I also got my headphones back. I went to the Library, as I was going there I bumped into someone.

"Oh.....uumm... sorry...." I was about to walk away until someone slammed me into a locker. "Oooww......" I rubbed my neck.

"Oh.... sorry I thought you were someone I hate sorry again." I saw it's a boy I just ran off. "What's up with him?"

I got to the Library but only to be punched, by a girl.

"BITCH!" She kicked me.

"LOSER!!" Another girl kicked me.

"SLUT!!" I got stomped on the face, my nose started to bleed. They took my headphones and stomped on it making sure it won't be working, I tried to get away but one of the girls tripped me. I saw someone, the kid I bumped into he looked at me. I girl stomped on my back hard, I tried not to scream but I made a sound loud enough to show I'm in serious pain.


I saw him ran up to me and the girls, he picked me up, I black out probably because I hit my head pretty hard.

The Boy that Saved him POV.

I saw the he black out, I brought him into my club, all the guys looked at me, the new student said,

"What happened to Storm?"

"Some girls beat him up, he just black out." I set him on the couch. I grabbed a wet rag and clean the side of his head where there was blood.

10 minutes later

He woke up and punched me. "O-oh sorry....." I heard him say, then he shot up from the couch and ran to the door but the door was block he backed away into a corner. I looked at him confused.

"Hey Storm calm down, we are all guys here." I said until he said,


"Well your in the same class as the new student and he knows your name, and what?" I questioned the 'I'm not a guy' part.

"Oh, well yeah I'm Female, not Male." all of us looked at him/her thing in shock.

"C-can I leave...." He- no she asked.

"NOPE!!!!" I grabbed her and held her tightly.

"LET ME GO!!!!" She yelled.

I just held 'her more tightly. She then kicked me leg the wrong way, she got up and pushes Jacob out of the way.

"What do we do Ajax?" Jacob asked.


Storm POV.

I ran and ran until I bumped into ANOTHER person and slammed against a locker again.

"DON'T TOUCH HIM YOU HUMAN BOY!!" Some guy said.

"WHY CAN'T ANYONE SEE I'M A FUCKING GIRL!!" I just said a bad word whoa.

"Wait your a girl??" He asked, I nodded, he let me go I ran screaming my head off.

Hey guys this is the end of this chapter I know short but sorry I didn't know what to do.


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