Chapter 9

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Screams echoing around the dark ally.

Red was staining the wall.

It was beautiful.

Or at least Frank thought so.

The red head was on the ground begging for her life.

As if that would save her.

The knife felt so right in Franks hand, it made him feel complete.

He felt ALIVE.

"Please- Please I have money. Anything you want. Please." The pointless rambling was amusing.

Frank laughed and she shivered, recoiling.

"Money? You think I want money?" Grin, bright eyes, gleaming blade.

She crawled backwards, as if that would help.

"If you wanna get out alive, run for your life~" He sang teasingly. 

She did. 

He loved the hunt.

Converse clad feet pounding against the dirty ground as the injured woman fled.

The numerous gashes across her back made escape impossible.

A scream, a body smashing into the wall.

Fists, kicking, biting, any form of desperate self defense.

Adrenaline fueled by predator instincts made struggling fun, knowing he would soon tear apart the innocent little lamb.

Pain, warmth, a blow to Frank's stomach that had him flipping into the air, rolling onto his feet flawlessly.

Although the woman has gotten a good move in, it was too late.

Her eyes were wide, staring at the knife puncturing her stomach.

He chuckled, stalking forward.

"Why?"She whispered, trying to move away.

"Because it's fun!"

His steady hand wrapped around the handle, yanking the knife free despite the screaming.

Sirens were arriving in the distance.

The downside to having a screamer.

Next time, he decided, he would remove the tongue.

"Gotta run. See you." With a professional flick of the wrist, her neck was slashed.

He was gone before the cops even knew the situation.


His pale hand shot out, gripping the figures wrist tightly.

His eyes were fixed on a blank canvas.

A wall, his brain registered. 

It would be prettier in red.

"Frank," A pained voice, pleading.

His heart tugged happily and his eyes raised to his victims.

"GERARD!" Frank ripped his hand back from the delicate wrist belonging to friend as if it burned.

Gerard flinched and rubbed his wrist lightly.

Franks head snapped to the left and right, taking in his surroundings. 

The bathroom.

He was sitting criss-cross on the bathroom floor.

"Shit."He whispered, horror filling his thoughts at his bizarre dream.

Frank quickly pulled himself to his feet feeling shaken.

"Are you okay Gee?" 

Gerard nodded, smiling through the pain.

Frank gently took hold of the injured limb and studied the damage he had caused.

Slight bruising, nothing major. 

But he had hurt GERARD.

He hated himself more than he had his entire life at that moment.

"Pansy. I'm fine. You need more help than me."

For a moment Frank thought he was referring to his mental state, but upon inspection he realized one of his own wrists was scratched apart.

"C'mere." Gerard guided him to the sink and rinsed the red away, revealing angry skin.

"If they see that, you're going to be put in solitary observation."

Frank rubbed his eyes, overwhelmed.

His brain felt like it had been tossed into a blender and then spit out.

His body felt drained of energy, like he was plagued by lack of sleep.

"What happened?"Gerard asked softly, brushing black bangs away from Franks face.

"I don't know Gee, I just,"To his shame, tears were forming in his eyes.

Even as warm arms wrapped around him protectively, Franks hand was itching for a cool blade to be held in it.

"We were sleeping but when I woke up you were missing. I found you in here, staring at the wall and...well you were ripping at your wrist with your nails. But your face was completely blank...."


"....It must have been some sort of night terror sleep walk episode or something...C'mon let's get you changed. Your shirt is soaked with sweat."

Gerard exited the bathroom first.

Frank glanced at the mirror.

His hair was disarrayed, his skin sickly pale, his right hand twitching, his eyes aflame, and a haunting grin spread across his face.

But he didn't know why.

He felt the complete opposite of happy.

But his reflection looked like he was having the time of his life.

It was unnerving.

-WELL THEN. I just wanted to thank you all for this story reaching 1K votes. Thats crazy considering this is only 9 chapters long so far. Thats awesome, thank you. Forgive me for any grammar errors in this chapter, I am fall asleep at the moment. I also just got a new phone so writing is going to be SO much easier. New chapter soon.-Chemi

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