The Rest of Our Lives (Chandler Riggs One Shot)

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I'm just really obsessed with him right now.
If you don't know, he's Carl from The Walking Dead.
Actually, you probably know who he is if you're reading this.
He's so hothothot.
Tobuscus reference, check [x].
Wow, the song Ribs by Lorde really helps me write.
Chandler: Just get on with it Rory.
Sorry, sorry getting off track.
Anyway, this will sadly not be in the show, but the actor in real life.
But, I may have a new story coming at you in the show with the one and only Carl Grimes. *wink wink* *nudge nudge*
It's gonna be good.
But, for now, I'm just going to write this.
Fault In Our Stars reference, check [x].



*Chandler's POV*

"CHANDLER! CHANDLER! LOOK!" Tons of girls, and women, screamed my name. Sometimes it got tiring. I may have been smiling on the outside, but I was stressed on the in. I was at a Walking Dead meet and greet, Sarah ((Lori)) sitting at my right, Andrew ((Rick)) on my left, and sitting next to him, Norman ((Daryl)). They gave me encouraging smiles throughout it; they knew me too well. They knew I didn't want to go. Tons of screaming fans in lines to meet us, get us to sign something, take a video, get a few pictures in. Believe me, I love my fans and all, but sometimes they got a little... excessive.

"Can you sign my phone case, Chandler?" A girl with neon pink hair asked next in line, walking up after the swooning girl in front of her left.

"Yeah," I smiled up at her. I was glad for the table separating us. Her clothes were kind of showy. Actually, that was an understatement. She was basically dressed like a slut. Her low neck tank top, spaghetti straps, miniskirt, large jewelry, heavily applied makeup, obvious extensions, big boobs, probably just because she stuffed her bra with tissues. She seemed my age, fourteen; too young to be doing all that already. Not my type. She was biting her bright pink lip, I guess trying to be attractive. She popped her bubble gum impatiently. I opened my Sharpie for what felt like the hundredth time that day. I wrote in my sloppiest handwriting, Glad we could meet, ... "Uh what's your name?"

"Brittany." She popped her bubble gum again. Of course that was her name. She elegantly spread her palms onto the table as I finished writing her name, then my signature below it.

"How about we..." She glanced around for a second, as if fearful someone could actually hear over the noise. "Get out of here..."

I gave her my most innocent smile, then a little hair flip ((a/n THAT WOULD MAKE ME DIE OF FANGIRLING)). That always makes them go crazy that they can't get with me. Hey. If they can be devilish, so can I.

"I'm sorry..." I started. Oh an excuse... What excuse?... I guess I was showing my emotions on my face.

"Let's go, Brit," A smooth voice came from behind Brittany. "Stop scarring the poor boy for life."

"Just because you can't get anyone to go out with you doesn't me I can't," She retorted back, looking behind her.

"Whatever," The comforting voice came again, so different from Brittany's high pitched squeaky one. "Im sorry, we'll get off your back."

My mouth literally dropped open. A drop dead gorgeous girl came with the sexy voice, stepping out from behind the pink haired slut. Also looking fourteen, she had straight, chestnut brown hair, bright green eyes. Pounds less makeup then her friend, or whatever she was to her, you could actually see her beautiful face. She had on a Star Wars muscle shirt; I always loved nerds, with a red plaid shirt unbuttoned over it. Black leggings hugging her curves, and a dark grey beanie covered her head. She looked like she didn't try hard at all the be so amazing.



*Kayla's POV*

"I'm sorry, we'll get off your back," I always had to apologize for my crazy fraternal twin. Chandler's mouth literally dropped open. I rolled my eyes. I liked him from the show, he definitely wasn't my favorite though. But come on. You don't have to marvel over my hideous face. I have to admit, he was really cute, but the way he stared at me made me self conscious. My sibling standing next to me squealed, still staring at him and swooning.

It was just going to be me coming today. She didn't even watch The Walking Dead, she claimed she wasn't one for horror or blood or dirt for that matter; I had shown her a picture of the cast today and she declared she was coming with me. I know why now. I didn't even want to meet Chandler that bad; I had wanted to meet Norman and Andrew the most. I had also wondered if Lil Asskicker would be here...

"Well... We'd better be going," I tugged on my sister's arm and started dragging her away.

"Wait!" I heard Chandler yell. I wasn't going to come back and let him wonder at my ugliness.



*Chandler's POV*

Damn. She got away. I wanted her number... Wait, what? Since when did I ever want a fan's number?

"Hm," A voice cleared in front of me. I had stood up to call out to the beautiful girl, and was gazing off to where she had disappeared in the crowd. I looked and it was another fan.

"Oh... Sorry..." I sat back down and signed what ever they requested. I couldn't even keep up a smile the whole time. My mind was on her... I didn't even know her name. After the next fan left, there was a break in which me and the other actors got to rest for a minute.

"You liked her, didn't you?' Andrew's voice startled me out of my trance.

"I-I don't know..." I answered, gazing into the chattering crowd. "I've... I've never really liked someone before like that."

"You should go find her," Andrew whispered. I gave him a weird look. "Don't worry; I'll cover for you."

"Alright," I became hyper at once, bouncing up. "Thanks."

I walked around the table, and into the crowd. After a couple of minutes of searching, it was announced that the actors will be signing again. Glad I got out of that.



*Kayla's POV*

Swinging the door open, I walked quickly into the frigid, cold air, still dragging Brittany behind me. I tugged my plaid shirt tighter around me, letting go of her hand. I should've brought a jacket, but I can't imagine what my twin is going through, with her chosen outfit. I glanced back at her; she seemed fine with the freezing. I was glad to be out of the huge crowd, but missed the warmth of the building.

"So, are we just going to wait for dad to pick us up?"

"Yeah..." Her phone buzzed with a text message. She pulled it out. "He just said he's going to be a little late."

"Great..." I mumbled, rubbing my hands together.

"Hey, I'm going to go to the bathroom while we're waiting, text me when he comes," She walked back into the building. I chuckled. She wasn't going to the bathroom. More like hooking up with guys two years older than her.

I leaned against the wall, and crossed my arms, rubbing my hands against them. Shocking me, the door flew open. The thing that happened next surprised me the most. It was Chandler. And he ran up to me and slammed his lips against mine.



*Chandler's POV*

I don't know what came over me. I just- I just needed to feel her perfect lips on mine. ((A/n CHEESY OVERLOAD))



*Kayla's POV*

He pressed me against the cold brick wall, placing both hands on either side of me. I didn't kiss back at first. I couldn't feel anything for a few seconds. All I felt was numb. Then the fireworks blew up. I kissed back gently. After a couple minutes, we pulled away, gasping for air.

"What's your number?" He flipped his hair to the side after a few seconds of catching up on breath, and I blushed a brilliant scarlet. He pulled his phone out of his back pocket.

"Uh-" I stuttered the numbers out, still embarrassed. After entering them he looked up at me.

"What's your name?" He gave me a cute look. It drove me crazy.

"Kayla." I breathed out. He typed that in and slipped his phone back in his pocket. "Now where were we?"

This time I pressed my lips against his, but I ended with my back against the wall anyway. It was gentle at first, but then got more rough as the fireworks on my lips blasted bigger.



*Chandler's POV*

*10 Years Later*

My eyes fluttered awake, the light sunshine shining on my face through the window, and I moved my arms around slightly. I realized they were wrapped around a petite figure. I smiled as I gazed at my wonderful girlfriend wrapped in my arms, her back facing my chest. I thought for a second, and realized it was our 10th year anniversary of meeting. Surprised I remembered, huh? I finally get to give her present to her.

I breathed in deeply, and moved my arms from around her. I saw her frown slightly, but she stayed asleep. Good. I crept out of our bed and into the hallway into the apartment we owned in L.A. I walked into the living room, where I kept the little black box hidden behind one of the books I knew she'd never touch; a dictionary. I pulled out the book, reached back, and grabbed it, gripping it tight.

I smiled, remembering I bought it at 18, knowing I'd use it far from then. Kayla and I had gone out days after we met, and have been since then. Sure, there had been bumps, but we worked it out. There's been more good times than bad.

"Chandler? It's still early," Kayla's sleepy voice slurred behind me, stopping my thoughts. As I turned around, I hid the box behind me, and saw her rubbing her eyes, her tank top, shorts, and long hair in disarray.

"That's why I'm up," I walked close to her, and she gave me a confused look. I slowly knelt down it front of her.

"What are you doing?" She held her hand to her mouth. "Chandler what are you doing?"

"You'll see," I held the box up to her, and opened it with a soft click. She gasped. In the little black box, lay a ring, with a silver band and a diamond in the middle. It wasn't too big, because I knew she hated to be flashy. Inscribed in the inside of the and was 'I will forever and always love you.' "Will you, Kayla Greene, marry me?"

"O-Of... Of course," She choked out. I stood up to her, and took the ring out, gently placing it on her finger. I grabbed her in a hug, and then kissed her deeply and passionately.

I was right about the ring. We spent our lives together, until our deaths due us part. We loved each other, forever and always.



The fanfiction will be called "Forever and Always".
Sorry if there are mistakes.
I'm exhausted right now.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2013 ⏰

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