Chapter 2

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Class starts, and Jane swiftly sits down on her seat, which is located at the back of the class and right beside the window. She takes out all her books from her bag, and stares at the teacher. First class is English, and the teacher is Ms. Ella.

Ms. Ella is a kind woman, with a petite body and an innocent look that would make men want to protect her. She is the youngest teacher, at the age of 24. She is also their class teacher, and today she seems happier than usual. Jane squints her eyes, looking at the teachers left ring finger. No ring found. Then what is she so happy about? She is a happy person in general, making Jane wonder what the hell was so awesome about life. When a typically happy person becomes happier, that would mean that something better than life happened to her??

"So class," Ms. Ella starts speaking. "Guess what? We have a new transfer student!!! Why don't you come in?" She beckons the new student, who is standing outside the classroom, to get inside the room. Everyone becomes interested in the (yet unknown) new student.

Someone walks inside, and it is a guy. Hair the same colour as dark chocolate, and eyes as blue as the ocean, he is quite the eye candy for ladies. He has a different sort of aura around him, definitely completely different from some average, suffering-from-puberty-and-became-as-gay-as-shit guy. He was indeed good looking, and Jane places a hand on her chin, trying to observe him.

He wore the school uniform in a clumsy manner, but still has some sort of cleanliness. His hair is mildly spiked, and he kept both his hands inside his pockets. A bad boy type? But the odd thing is, Jane senses an enormous amount of pride oozing out of him, especially with the way he keeps his chin high and looks down on others. Is he very rich or something?

"My name is David Brown. It's nice to meet you." The transfer student says briefly, offering a curt smile. Wow, a plain name.

The classes ends after a long, excruciating time, and Jane is about to head home. She gets all her books and stuffs them inside her bag and goes out towards the front field which leads to the entranceway. The field of land right in front of the school gate is pointless in Janes point of view, but it is decorated with beautiful flowers and a huge fountain in the middle. Jane couldn't care less, and someone calls her from behind right then.


She looks behind, and sees that Ms. Ella is calling her cheerfully. Jane turns and smiles a polite smile towards her.

"Yes, ma'am? How may I help you?" Jane replies.

"There are some tests and homework that you didn't submit due to your absence from school. Would you like to complete them today?" Ms. Ella said kindly.

"Sure I guess." Jane replies.

"Then please follow me to my office now."

Jane nodded, still smiling. What a pain it was, and she is pretty sure that there are thousands of tests and homework she needs to do. She always studies too hard and works too hard on part time jobs and gets sick easily as a result. So, she regularly skips school.

Jane walks towards Ms. Ella's office, and her first impression of that place was girly. Not surprising, she thought with a standard face.

As expected, she got thousands, no millions, of work. Taking a black ballpoint pen, Jane starts writing.

Checking her watch, Jane sighs loud enough for the whole world to hear. It was 6:53 pm. She missed her part time job. How delightful.

As she finishes her English work, the teachers from other subjects kept her as well. It was tiring, and maybe Jane would skip school tomorrow. As she is walking towards the exit of the school building, she could hear people speaking.

People speaking? Even though the school is completely deserted except for some teachers? Something didn't feel right. Jane looked around, and heard sounds particularly from the Art Room 3. Raising her eyebrows, her curiosity took over her and she went towards the room.

"Yeah, since he finally joined the class, we will have less problems." A female with a commanding voice speaks.

"But something confuses me. Why do we even need an elite like him around? What's going inside your fathers head?" Male, with a childish voice and a mildly jealous tone speaks.

"Idiot! Because the vamps are about to infiltrate this school! Some people here are from the main Vampire Hunter family, so obviously they will target this place first!" This time, a female with an annoyingly squeaky voice speaks.

"Someone's there." A thick, male voice speaks timidly.

"Hah! Just because he is a bit better than us, doesn't make him an ELITE. And hey, we can handle scrawny vampires when the time comes. We don't need unwanted trash to deal with them." Childish male retorts.

"It's unbelievable how dumb you are. He is strong, from one of the branches of the main household, kind, gentlemanly, graceful, and hot! I don't think you are even 10% as awesome as him." Squeaky girl says obnoxiously.

"How would you know? You never even had a decent conversation with him. His good looks are the only thing you are taking in consideration." Childish male replies, scoffing.

"Yeah, so? Outer appearance describes inner personality too!" Squeaky girl says. Hmm true, Jane agrees.

"Whoever in the world said that!?"

"I did!"

"We aren't getting anywhere." Commanding female says. "Can you two just shut up for once?"

"Someone's there....." The thick voice says.

"But! An idiotic guy like him should understand basic logic!" Squeaky girl replies.

"What did Louis say?" Commanding female asks.

Hmm. Jane does not want to be found out, so she decides to leave. She straightens up, and turns to her right to go straight towards the entrance. But right before that, the door in front of her opens, and a tall guy with black hair stares down at her.

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