Chapter 2

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Twilight's POV
"Here's your schedule.Have a nice first day."one of the office workers said with a bright smile.

I looked over my schedule to see that my first class of the day was Homeroom with Mr.Doodle Donkey.

Huh,that's sort of a weird name.

I went to the classroom and opened the door.Everyone turned around to look at me.

I'm getting kind of nervous with all these people staring at me.Just don't pay attention.

I went up to Mr.Doodle Donkey.

"Um,Hi,I'm new here.Do you want me to sit any place specifically?"I asked.

"Just take a seat anywhere."he croaked.

I began to walk around the room looking for any available seats.

I saw a spot open and began to crouch down into the seat when a scratchy voice stopped me.

"Uh,you might not wanna sit there.Her girlfriend sits there and they make out a lot."the voice said.

I look over to see a girl with rainbow hair and a blue tank top on.

As soon as I get up a girl with green and white hair sits down and immediately starts to lock lips with the blue and pink-haired girl.

"Oh,okay"I say.

I see another seat open and began to sit.

"You might not wanna sit there either."the rainbow-haired girl advises.

"Why not?"I question.

"He farts a lot."She whispers.

Definitely not sitting by him ever.

I go to the last seat open.I look up at the girl with the rainbow hair looking for her approval.She gives a thumbs up and I sit down.

"I'm Rainbow Dash.What's your name?"the girl asks.

"Twilight Sparkle."I reply.

"Well Twilight,welcome to CHS."


I suddenly feel someone tug on my hair.

"Is this your natural hair color?"A girl with blonde hair and a cowboy hat asks me.

"Um,yeah."I reply.

"You see,'ah wanna dye my hair red like an apple,but Granny won't let me do anything of the sort."the girl says,admiring my hair.

"Well,um,that's too bad.Mabye you can when you get older.I bet it would look pretty on you."I say nervously.

"Maybe.Until then 'ah guess that I'll just have to be jealous of everybody."she says with a sigh.

"This is Applejack,she's too country to function."Rainbow Dash says slyly.

"'Ay!I function just fine.Thank you very much."Applejack responds.

"Hah!Whatever."Rainbow Dash teases.

I smile at this,seeing how they can tease each other without offending one another.

"Okay class,today we are having a free day,so knock yourself out."Mr.Doodle Donkey said in his usual careless tone.

Me,Rainbow Dash,and Applejack got to know each other.We played Would You Rather and talked how school was so far.

After class was over I asked them which way was to my next class.

"Hey,do you know where Room 42A is?"I asked Rainbow Dash.

"Oh...yeah.It's in the back building."She said with a sly look on her face.

"We'll take you there."

"We're here."Rainbow Dash said as we arrived.

"Where's the building?"I asked seeing no building in sight.

"It burnt down in 1987."Applejack answered.

"What!Guys,i'm going to get into big trouble!"I panicked.

"Whoa Twilight.Don't worry.I would never get you in trouble,I'm your friend.It was Sex Ed anyways.So I helped you dodge a bullet."Rainbow said coolly.

"I guess...You swear you won't get me in trouble?"I asked.

"I swear."She replied with a serious look.

"So Twilight,how do you spell your name?"Rainbow asked.

"T-w-i-l-i-g-h-t."I spelled out.

"Can I call you Twi?"Rainbow asked.
"I-i gue-"

"I'm gonna call you Twi."Rainbow interrupted.

"Rainbow look."Applejack said pointing somewhere in the distance.
I looked over to see a crowd of students coming out of the gym.

"Twilight,you see those two girls?"Applejack asks.

"Yeah,who are they?"

"The Ponies.Stay away from them.They're bad news."

"That one over there with the pink bouncy hair;that's Pinkie Pie.She knows everything about everybody."
Rainbow Dash said pointing to a girl with big pink hair.

"That's why her hair is so big,it's full of secrets."Applejack said.

I giggled a little.

"She's all rich because her family owns a coal mine."Rainbow Dash informed me.

"And that girl over there,with the purple curly hair;that's Rarity.She's one of the dumbest girls you will ever meet.Applejack had a class with her in the seventh grade."Rainbow Dash said.

"She asked me how to spell apple."Applejack said looking disappointed.

"And last the leader of them all,the bitch of all bitches,Fluttershy."Rainbow said through her teeth.

A crowd of guys walked to the field carrying a girl with long baby pink hair.

"She may seem friendly,but as soon as she winds you in,she turns your life into a living hell."Rainbow Dash said her face turning pink.

"Did something happen between you and Fluttershy?"I asked curiously.

"In middle school,Fluttershy started a rum-"Applejack began to say.

"Nothing happened between us!"Rainbow Dash said angrily.

"It's just that she's a total bitch and I hate her for it."Rainbow Dash continued,gripping the grass.

I decided to leave it alone and look at the so-called "Ponies".

Huh,they looked interesting.

A/N:Hey guys!This one is a long one.What do you guys think so far?Like it?Love it?Hate it?I made a few twists that are different from the movie so there will definitely be cliffhangers and drama.I also thought that the picture was perfect for one of the parts in the chapter.And yes,the 1987 thing is a FNAF reference.See you in Chapter 3!

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