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Okay so who knows how many times you have came across the word "fangirl" while browsing the internet. possibly never, but if you are addicted to Tumblr you probably have.
Whether you like it or not everyone, even if they don't know it, is part of a fandom.
Okay so in this next chapter I will get into "fangirl terms and vocabulary" but a fandom is a group of people who like or bond over the same thing.
Ever just wanted to smash your head against the wall because someone is so perfect or if you have made those unhuman sounds when you see a cute photo of someone you adore. That is fangirling. Yep that's my life tbh....
Everyone likes something and is most likely not alone, so all those people joined together is a fandom.
Okay hopefully you got the message!
Anyway bye for now until I update the vocbulary, which will be the next chapter.
K bye! :3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2016 ⏰

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