"Actually, the number is three point four million."

Violet stands from her seat, smoothing out her red dress. "Three point four million dollars," she confirms and more gasps fill the air. "From Crystal Publishing alone."

Alec looks as if he's going to burst into flames.

"Along with that," Zayn's voice continues as he stands from his seat next to Perrie. "He has threatened his associates severely, should they try to leave his company."

"This is all a lie," Aaron says from next to his uncle. "They're lying."

Adrenaline rushes through me as I stand beside Harry.

"They're not lying, they're telling the absolute truth. And you have no room to deny anything they are saying."

Aaron scowls at me, but backs down.

Finally, Mr. Crystal rises from his seat.

"Miss Knight is correct."

"Miss Knight doesn't know what she's talking about, what she says is untrue," Alec snaps.

"Call the police," Harry says in my ear.

I carefully remove my phone from my purse, slowly pulling up they keypad.

"Mr. Wolfe, your affairs concerning Crystal Publishing are through. I would like my money back, if you don't mind."

"There is no money I have taken, Crystal," Alec sneers.

"I have proof," Violet says. She removes something from her purse and holds it up.

"A receipt," she says. "From when you made me deposit the income made from Crystal Publishing to your bank account."

Everyone gasps.

"You lose, Wolfe," Harry snaps from next to me. "There's no use in fighting."

The room is still silent as Alec gestures to someone off to his side.

A tall, burly man walks up next to him.

"Thomas, do me a favor and escort Mr. Styles, Miss Knight, Mr. Malik, and Miss Watergate from the premises."

I am about to click dial on my phone for the police when the device is knocked from my hand, shattering on the floor.

I turn and face a man not much taller than Harry. His eyes gleam evilly.

"You're to come with me," he growls, reaching for my arm.

I barely have time to comprehend what's happening when next I know the man is on the ground, blood smearing his face.

Gemma dusts herself off, grabbing her things as chaos ensues in the room. "Let's get out of here before more grown men have to be embarrassed."

Harry and I gawk at her, but not for long as more of Alec's men fight through the crowds toward us.

I grab my cracked phone from the ground as the noise level increases rapidly in the hall.

I turn my face momentarily as Harry, Gemma and I move toward the door to see Alec still on the stage, reaching into his jacket.

He catches my eye almost knowingly and his lips twist into a sinister smile.

My dreams flash through my mind and I reach Harry.

He tugs me through the crowd until we're outside in the parking lot.

The image of the silver pistol blares before my eyes but I know we haven't much time to fulfill the rest of the plan.

Hidden. (by seasidestyles-original copy)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon