Part One

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Wailing screams were heard from the nursery, you ran, clutching a lukewarm bottle of milk "coming Macie! Mummy's coming!" You dashed through the door to be met by the picture of perfection.

In the corner of the small room sat your husband, Levi, slumped into a rocking chair, in his arms lay a small, (H/C) haired baby girl, you couldn't help but smile. "Looks like you've warmed up to being a dad then." You whispered walking over to the pair. You handed Levi the bottle and perched on the arm of the chair and gently stroked Macie's hair as Levi fed her. "F/N," Levi whispered "how are you coping?" Your (E/C) eyes looked at him with utter shock, "what do you mean? With Macie?" You stuttered, Levi nodded looking down at the now sleeping baby. "Yeah, and just life in general" you shrugged. "I'm okay I guess, she keeps waking me up at 2am on the dot every morning, and I can't be mad at her for it, she's only 6 months old, and..." you paused for a bit, looking lovingly towards Macie. "How can you be mad at that cute little face" you cooed squishing her cheek. This action made Levi crack a slight smile. He looked at the clock and sighed in disappointment "I'm sorry babe," he said as he handed over Macie and straightened his Scouting Legion jacket, "I've got to go to training." He lightly kissed you on the forehead and did the same to Macie, and began to walk out the door, she began to grunt in protest, which quickly turned to tears. Levi quickly turned to her "hey hey hey butterscotch, no more tears, Daddy will be back soon." He looked to you, your eyes beginning to droop with fatigue, he poked your shoulder, jolting you back to reality "bring her to training, she can never be too young to learn how to defend herself." You smiled. "Okay, I'll get her dressed and I'll meet you down there."


You pushed the black and (F/C) stroller onto the training field, immediately dozens of eyes stared at you. "Oi, cadets!" You heard a familiar voice shout "eyes on me!"
"Sir, yes sir!" The cadets replied, jumping back into formation. You sat down next to the stroller and handed Macie her favourite bunny to play with. Levi had given it to her only a few weeks ago, she had taken to it like no other toy she had, which she has countless amounts of.

Half an hour later Levi came jogging over to the pair of you, he squatted down in front of the stroller. "Hello Macie-moo!" He cooed poking her nose, causing her to giggle and smile boldly. Shortly after a small pack of familiar faces crowded round the now giggling child. Eren, Mikaska and Armin, all cooing over Macie like it was the first time they'd seen her. But she wasn't giggling at them, she was giggling at you, pulling funny faces and sticking your tongue out at her, you began to laugh too, pulling even more faces that you never knew you could do.
Eventually two little chubby arms reached out towards you, grabbing the air begging to be picked up. Of course you couldn't deny the request, you leaned through the small crowd of people and picked up your daughter. No one else mattered in that moment, only Macie. You held her close kissing her small tufts of hair which had been pulled back into two small pigtails. You soon felt small kisses on your head too, from Levi. You turned round to kiss him, "let's get back to the dorms" he whispered, almost seductively. You nodded in agreement. "Well, it's about time Macie had a nap." You announced to the group. You and Levi said your goodbyes and returned to the dorms.

Daddy!Levi x Mummy!Reader - Happy familyWhere stories live. Discover now