A Chase Through the Woods

Start from the beginning

Sandy spun around and flew back towards the fort. 'If we're doing this,' Sandy eyed the massive fort, 'You better have a plan.'

"Don't worry. I do, " Hiccup scanned the fort for any weaknesses, "...kind of."

'Kind of!?' Sandy groaned, 'You humans are all the same! Act first think never!'

Hiccup gave a light chuckle, "There. Let's set down in the forest."


Men scattered about the fort; attempting to grab any weapon they could find. "Hurry hurry!" the head guard ordered, "Half of you men take a boat. The others will follow me into the forest. They could of gone either way!"

"You better hope you find him, " Agrippa growled.

The head guard spun around to see Agrippa slowly stomping up to him.

"Uh..yes sir," the head guard gulped, "We will!"

"Get to it!" Agrippa shouted. The guards readied and split off. Agrippa walked to the Pit and looked down. "Clever boy, "Agrippa admitted.


Sandy and Hiccup flew above the forest. They flew to the other side of the island. 'Okay...what now?'

Hiccup hugged his stomach as it growled, "I won't be able to fight on an empty stomach. We should wait until tomorrow until we do anything."

'Fine,' Sandy sniffed the air, 'Let's go looking for a river or something.'

"We're going to need to be careful," Hiccup looked into the forest, expecting someone to show, "They may have sent a search party into this forest." Hiccup instinctively reached down to grab Inferno but grabbed air. Inferno was a flaming sword that Hiccup had invented a year ago. It helped him tame wild dragons and it was pretty intimidating to humans. He usually had it clipped to the side of his right shin. And just now Hiccup was remembering that he had left Inferno back home. He mentally slapped himself. He had nothing but his bare hands to protect himself with.

Hiccup and Sandy carefully crept through the forest; making sure that if someone was around they'd be able to get away pretty fast. The forest was deadly quiet. Not even birds chirped or sang their little songs. It put the two on edge.

'There's a river,' Sandy whispered to Hiccup.

The two quickly but quietly rushed over to the flowing water; Hiccups's stomach growled furiously for food.

"Let's check over here!"

Hiccup and Sandy froze as the flicker of torches grew closer. With a slight panic they turned and hid behind a large boulder and some trees.

"Anything?" one of the men asked.

"Nothing so far," another answered.

Hiccup peered out over the boulder; his heart beating wildly in his chest. As he stared at the men his vision grew blurry. Confused, Hiccup tried to focus on one of them to see which way they were going but his eyes refused focus at all. Hiccup turned back, a sudden sharp pain exploded in his temples. His breathing became difficult as he grunted at the pain. The sensation of Fight or Flight came rushing into his body. He had the sudden urge to run, to get as far away as possible. Why on earth did he decide to come back!?

'What's wrong?' Sandy asked quietly as she turned to her friend, concerned.

"I-I think I'm having another Panic Attack," Hiccup cried, "T-This isn't the first time that I've been hunted by other humans."

'Well, um, it's okay,' Sandy tried to comfort Hiccup, 'Just take deep breaths. You'll be fine.'

Hiccup tried to take a slow, deep breath but then he felt lightheaded, which only worsened the pain. Then Hiccup felt as if he couldn't get any air at all. He scanned the river; not really thinking that anything would show up. "I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die," Hiccup cried as his body began to shake.

'No your not,' Sandy reassured Hiccup.

"There you are!" one of the men suddenly appeared from nowhere right next to Hiccup. Sandy instinctively fire a shot of compacted sand. It wasn't a strong fire but it was enough to knock the man back a few feet.

'It's time to go!' Sandy pushed Hiccup to his feet. But Hiccup only took one step before loosing his balance and fell. 'Oh for the love of-Get on!'

Hiccup quickly climbed onto Sandy's back and they took off into the sky.

One of the men took out a Boa Sling and flung it towards them. It snaked around Sandy's tail and they crashed. Hiccup was flung from Sandy and landed a few feet ahead. He looked up as a man yelled and swung his axe above Sandy, who was still recovering from the crash.

Hiccup jumped up and bolted towards forwards. He managed to grab the axe as it was coming down. They struggled for a bit before the man grabbed Hiccup by the throat and turned the axe towards him. Hiccup squirmed in the man's hand, trying his best to break free. The man roared and brought his axe down but Hiccup managed to stop it. Then Hiccup bit hard onto the man's hand. He yelped and dropped both Hiccup and the axe.

Now very angry the man pulled out his sword and swung it. Hiccup panicked, grasped the axe, and blindly swung. The axe hit it's target and cut into the side of the man's neck. Blood spilled out of his neck. His sword fell out of his hand and he dropped dead, nearly on top of Hiccup. Hiccup backed up, completely terrified by what he had to do.

'Hiccup,' Sandy succeed in freeing her tail from the Sling, 'Oh man...A-Are you okay?'

Hiccup simply started at the dead man, horror on his face.

'Come on,' Sandy could hear more people coming, 'Coming back was a bad idea. We should just leave.'

Hiccup stood up and climbed onto Sandy. The took off swiftly into the air. "In was in self defense...it was in self defense..." Hiccup told himself, "Calm down...Remember what Astrid said..."

'Let's get out of here!' Sandy cried out.

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