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It was a daunting view,to be withheld by all worthy of seeing such splendid sights.

The slow-moving river made its way around the valley,and curving around the tunnels placed at random on the grassy meadows.Its blue-green water lapping against the sandy shores that contained it,the tan sand was eroded in certain spots where the swarm of water would ram into the sand and occasionally sprinkle its wears onto the soft,tall grass that sprouted across the large meadow.With every curve and bend,flowers would sprout,all shapes,sizes,and colors.You could see their pollen drifting into the air causing the sweet fragrance of jasmine,rose,lilac,daisy and much more species of flowers that had evolved after the nuclear war that happened on earth over 100,000 years ago to drift across the valley and spread their sweet perfume.

That nuclear war,left few survivors of the human race.It was unknown if those pitiful creatures survived or not but all the animals that had survived and evolved doubted those filthy creatures would make a return.It gave all animals a chance to prosper,raise their kin,and enjoy their life's without the expensive of humans.

It left few species of animals who's genetic coding told them to be solitary,most of them were either predators or else just lonesome herbivores .In the meadow,you could see all kinds of units of different species and creatures intermingling and exchanging their wares to either their same species or else a different selection of creature.Almost like humans each species no matter how big or small now helped each other for survival almost in harmony.Though it did cause overpopulation,you had a new species that had sprouted a few thousand years ago after most most-to-all humans were wiped off the face of the Earth.To us humans,we could classify them as the mythical creature's told in fables.These creatures now controlled the population of all lower-class animals.


Unlike those fables,this seldom seen sub-version of the dominant species of dragon were nimble and much smaller,had feathered wings,Opposable thumbs,and longer,slimmer tails.On the "New" Earth,They were the dominate species,despite their appetite consisting primarily of plants.These creatures were territorial,and knew that they had the entire world in their clawed hands.Though most of them were passive when accidentally crossing each others territory.

Now lets move onto our main character,Scipio.

Scipio slowly crawled her way out of the dirt cavern that she slept in,moss and thick stalks of plants strewn across the sandy base and occasional sprouts blooming in the inside of the 4'ft tall,covered pathway.She slowly crawled her way out into the daylight while her feathers prickled and fur stood on edge as the soft,rippling breeze made its way through the dark brown,curly mass.The small dragon stretched eagerly to begin the day though it was already mid afternoon.Giving a quick snort of satisfaction as she stretched out her pale-fawn brown wings.Sunlight glinted on their white edges as the young female stretched them out,the stiffness eased to the point where they were flexible.

Her shoulders rolled as Scipio rolled out her neck eager for a afternoon cruise along her territory line.
he Her tan colored legs began moving,the rest of her body following as a well oiled machine.A unit,compressed into her slim yet compact frame meant for speed,not strength.The young she-dragons body launched itself into the air.With her mouth open and her caramel-colored eyes closed to enjoy the swift wind blowing through her thin layer of fur."Its been so long since I felt free."She gave a dreamily mummer,after so many years spent hibernating in that blandly colored dirt tunnel.Surprisingly,her species of dragon were picky about where they laid.

Scipio didn't't really have a decision in the manner to be honest with herself.After other dragons began poking their snouts into her domain,it made the (prey based) dragon worried and unsettled.At the age of 37 years old,the grown dragons were sent away from their kin into a completely new area,drugged by some kind of flower so that when the amnesia would settle it would be too late at the point for them to return to their loved ones.

The most the small female could remember was her mother,a dark brown dragon with splotches of cream splattered across her back and a white male with a blind eye looking down at her.

But those memories didn't't matter anymore.Scipio gave a quick shake of her head and cruised along with the river.Given a foolish but fun idea,the tan female plunged into the water before rising upward and twisting across the mountains side.The mountains name was Mt.Toro.Its still unknown who named the mountain but Scorpio stopped visiting after finding the rotting and decaying carcass of a grizzly bear found in their.Bobbing her head in joy,a ripple was sent through her as her thin layer of fur stood on end.

It was a trick that Scipio loved to pull,the basic idea was that when she cruised over the river while drizzled in the crystal clear water that she would glimmer like a star.The dragon saw them at night,but never could get the chance to know what it was to feel like one.So she steeled with the next best thing,looking like one.

The dragons fur glimmered and sparkled like a star.It gave her a new-found burst of energy which she flew upward.With every beat of her long wings the she-dragon was sent higher and higher into the air while slowly twisting.Wanting to enjoy the moment,she closed her eyes and wings before falling back into the earth and landing into one of the tunnels.It was HER tunnel,but that still didn't explain why their was a strange smell wavering form the entrance.

She slowly walked forward,wings tucked tight against her sides,her small fangs bared and eyes in slits.Her brown ears twitched occasionally as the sound of rummaging echoed through the system of underground pathways.The she-dragon slowly peered around the curve leading into her nest.

Standing inside the room was a large,light Grey male with dark Gorey eyes.He slowly nudged her nest before putting his snout to the ground and sniffing around while his tail tip quivered,in curiosity?The larger and more bulky male froze before turning around with a sheepish smile on his face while his feathered wings clamped against his sides and tail curling nervously as of being caught upon another dragons territory."Hi,I'm Trin!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2016 ⏰

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