Meeting Him

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It was almost seven in the morning when I woke up to a banging sound. I realized I fell asleep against the closet door, which was shaking from the impact on the other side.

The stranger was awake.

I quickly got up and made sure the door didn't open. Oh, brother.

"Sydney? Are you okay?" My brother asked from the hallway. Shit, I forgot to close my bedroom door. At that moment, the banging stopped. I instantly turned to Alex with one hand on the closet door.

"Hey," I say nervously. "What are you doing up so early?"

He stared at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I always work the early shift on Fridays. Hey, did you sleep in your clothes again?" I look down and glance at my wrinkled clothes and nod. He only smiled and rolled his eyes.

"Well, I got to go," he says, looking at his watch. "Breakfast is on the table. I'll be back at eight. See you for dinner." He kissed me on the forehead and rushed downstairs. I waited until I heard Alex close the door and out of the house.

"Alright, I'm gonna let you out now," I said slowly to the closet door. I heard no answer. Well then.

My hand gripped the doorknob and the door opened slowly, only to have me land on the floor with the restrained stranger on top of me. I yelp and the strong, intoxicating smell of his white, blood stained hoodie reached my nose. We stare at each other for a brief moment, his black eyes piercing my green ones. I remember what it was what I wanted to do and I pushed him off me harshly. I ignore his growl and help him up since his arms and legs were tied up.

"Hey, not so rough, you stupid girl," he growls. I push him back down.

"Okay," I begin calmly. "I'm gonna ask some questions and you're going to give me some answers."

He scoffs and starts to laugh maniacally. "Mhm, I think not." It was as if he had some sort of inhuman strength. Within a few seconds of thrashing, he had the cable wires loose and off of him. I had the good sense to run out of the room before he snaked his arms around my waist and held me back.

I started struggling in his grip and then calmed myself down when he tried frantically to find his knife.
"How are you going to kill me if you haven't a knife?" I seethed. He only squeezed me tighter, which made me yelp.

"Where is it?! Give it to me right now!" He roared. I only stayed silent until a scream came out of me when he bit down hard on my neck.

"Let go of me, you freak!" I kept on thrashing in his arms, trying to loosen his grip. Eventually, I elbowed him in the stomach, knocking out the breath in him. I took this to my advantage and ran out of his arms, rubbing my neck. I looked up only to see him running at me. I quickly grabbed the lamp and pointed it straight at him. It made him stop with a death glare meant for me, of course.

"Hit me again and you'll regret it," he growled. "Just give me my knife and I will be on my way." I eyed him suspiciously.

"How do I know you won't come back? Just....Who are you? I want answers and I want them now," I said. He started laughing psychotically. It didn't really....put me off.

"I'm Jeff. Jeff the Killer. I'm surprised you haven't heard of me." I only rolled my eyes.

"Okay. So why were you trying to kill me? Why were you in my house?" I asked, tightening my grip on the lamp.

He tilted his head in that sort of "I-am-amused" face. "You ask a lot of questions."

"You refuse to answer most," I challenged back. I felt myself tense up as he started to smile like he was pleased.

"I like you," he laughs. "You're entertaining. Too entertaining to kill. You amuse me. You're like a toy, my own little toy." I simply rolled my eyes and he started to laugh more. "See? Your attitude really is hilarious. What's wrong with you? You give me the creeps, it's like you're not scared."

Not scared? Sure, outside I may have seemed calm, but I was freaking out internally.

"Why would I be scared? You didn't kill me, so I have no worries." That was a stupid thing to say to someone who wanted to kill you. As soon as I said that, all amusement from his face left.

"You didn't even give me a chance," he replied coldly. "You know what? Just give me my knife and I'll be on my way. You're not even worth it. Not anymore. Stupid girl won't even call the cops."

Wow, not even worth killing? I must have really made him upset. I silently took out the knife from under my pillow. I might as well give him what he wants.

"You want your knife?" I say as I throw it out the window. "Go get it then." Without a word, he runs to the window and jumps from it. I rush to the window to see him fall, but he's not even in the yard. It's as if....he vanished.

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