"Well someone's up early," I said in a highly unenthusiastic tone.  

"It's our first day of classes this term! You don't want to be late do you?"

  "No, but since when are you a morning person?"  

"Uhhh.. I'm not... But I wanted to make sure that my beautiful girlfriend got up in time to get ready and stuff," he said, causing me to blush deeply.  

"Well, what time does first period start?" I questioned.  

"8:00, but I figured you'd wanna take a shower and stuff so I decided to get you up early."  

I was actually quite grateful for him doing this, otherwise I'd have woken up 10 minutes before class started and ran downstairs barley making it in time.  

I sauntered into the bathroom turning on the shower, then returned back to my room to find Michael digging through my dresser.  

"Uh, Michael? What are you doing?"  

"Picking your outfit! Here, I think this would be good!"  

He handed me a pair of jeans and a tshirt, making sure to include a hoodie along with the outfit he had selected.  

"You know me so well," I said with a laugh.  

"Oh, you might also need these," He said winking once again, handing me a bra and pair of underwear.  

I blushed and mumbled a quick thank you before rushing into the bathroom and closing the door.    I took my time in the shower, making sure to wash my hair completely, before turning off the water and stepping out.  

I heard music blaring from the other side of the bathroom door, which could only mean that Michael was still in my room.  

I quickly got dressed and mildly towel dried my hair, deciding to let my curls finish drying naturally. I wasn't one to wear much makeup, but since it was my first day of classes here, I applied a minimal amount, mainly mascara and a slight layer of concealer.  

When I was sure that I was ready, I walked back into my room to find Michael asleep on my bed, with his head hanging off the edge.  

I stifled a laugh as I took a quick photo on my phone. I checked the time to see that it was already 7:30, and I knew that Michael would still want breakfast, so I decided to wake him up.  

I crouched down on the floor so my face was level with his upside down one and leaned close to his ear.  

I forcefully whispered "Boo!" causing him to jump up quickly. He looked rather embarrassed, but we laughed it off as always.  

Once I gathered up my stuff and put my shoes on, I followed Michael back to his room where he grabbed his backpack and shoes as well.  

We walked hand in hand down to the first floor, and then to the classroom section of the facility. I had never been in this area, so Michael had to instruct me on where to go. I was beginning to get quite nervous, as I really didn't know anyone apart from Michael, Calum, Luke, and Kirstin, none of who I had any classes with.  

Michael seemed to sense my nerves, as he pulled me into a hug before we parted our separate ways.  

"You're gonna be amazing today, I know it. Just be yourself, I'm sure everyone will love you" He said with an encouraging smile.  

I knew that wasn't true, but I faked the best smile I could and nodded. He pulled me in for a quick peck on this lips before ushering me through an open door marked "Physics."   

I began to panic as I saw about 15 unfamiliar faces turn to look at me. I felt myself start to shake and my knees go weak. I quickly slid into the first empty seat I saw, and put my head down, avoiding eye contact with the other students.  

I knew they were all in similar situations, but I was still experiencing the same anxiety I felt back at my old school. So far, nothing seemed any different.  

The teacher, Miss Parker, called attendance, coming to my name last. I admitted a barely audible "here" as she gave me a friendly smile and welcomed me to Shady Grove. I gave her a weak smile back, and returned to staring at my desk.  

She began the lesson for the day, but my thoughts were elsewhere. I knew in my head that everyone in the room was judging me and watching my every move. They were probably all making fun of how fat I was, and how I was the only one wearing all long sleeves.   

I was interrupted from my thoughts as the door flew open. A boy who looked to be a bit older than me was standing there. He had dark blonde hair and was wearing black skinny jeans and a black singlet.  

"So sorry that I'm late miss!" He murdered as he walked to the empty seat next to me. "My family only just now got back in town, and I'm here straight off the airplane from New Zealand," He explained.   

Miss Parker gave him a quick welcome, and returned to her lecture.  

"Wow that was embarrassing," The new boy muttered to me.  "No, you're fine!" I replied back.   "I hate when people stare at me like that though, I wanted to die." His words evoked a familiar feeling, as I silently nodded my head in agreement.  

"Anyways, my name's Ashton," He said with a smile, sticking out his hand.

  "I'm Rebecca," I replied, taking his hand and shaking it. I noticed all the bracelets adorning his left arm, and was about to comment on this when Miss Parker called us out.

"Miss Williamson, Mr. Irwin, could you please restrain from talking until after the lecture is complete?"  

The pair of us quickly silenced, and we both seemed to look down at our desks at the same time.  

I spent the rest of the hour long class counting down the minutes until I could see Michael again. As soon as the bell rang, I packed up all of my belongings and made a bee-line for the door. Michael was already standing there, and I thre myself into his arms trying to hold back the tears.   Nothing too bad had really happened, but just having to be around other people, who I was sure were making fun of me, didn't do anything to help my anxiety.  

"How was your first class? Did you meet anyone" He questioned.  

"Um it was okay.. The teacher seems pretty nice.. Oh and I did meet someone, his name was like.. Austin or something?" I replied.  

"Well I'm happy for you! But make sure this Austin kid knows that you're mine!" He said with a smirk. 

I laughed as we walked to the field, which is where Michael told me he and the other boys spend their breaks.  

We settled down in the grass under a tree, waiting for the others to join us, and they soon did. We all complained about and shared stories about our first class, until the bell rang signaling that it was time for second period to begin.  

A/N Sorry if this isn't that good! I'm supposed to be doing my precal homework, but I got a bit distracted... Anyways, Ashton is now in the story! :))  

As always, thanks for reading! I love y'all so much! Rebecca<3

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